Struggling looking after dad

  • 3 replies
  • 46 subscribers

My dad was diagnosed with terminal cancer in February. He hasn’t had a prognosis because biopsies were too intrusive and he didn’t want treatment. 

We were led to believe that he wouldn’t have long so after the hospital he went in to a nursing home. He hated it, so he’s moved in with me & my husband.  He’s still independent and not in pain but he doesn’t want to go home. 

. But we are struggling with him being in our house. His moods are very up and down. He’s constantly on and on at us for me thing or another. We can’t relax at all in our own house. 

I love my dad to bits but I don’t think I can have him here much longer. Is that really bad! Does anyone have any ideas? 

  • Hi , I'm going through something simular. I dont have any magic advise I am afraid but wanted to let you know your not alone! 

    My dad lives with me and has done for 9 months due to some ill health back then. Recently he has been diagnosed with terminal lung, brain and spline cancer (with bo prior diagnosis) i too am struggling with the day to day emotions and mood swings. My dad is also mostly independent having adapted in the last 3 weeks, but that is already starting to reduce little by little. 

    If I can help it I won't push him into a care home, I doubt he would go. But I do worry if I'm struggling now then in 1, 2, 3, 6 months. I do sometimes have the guilt of how can I think about me, with what he's going through and its hard. 

    Being able to vent on here has been useful.

    Sending hugs! 

  • Aw thank you so much for sharing! It really helps knowing I’m not on my own with how I’m feeling.

    He’s my dad and I will stick with it but I’m worried about my husband. 

    I’m assuming my dads mood swings, paranoia, anxiety are all related to the cancer.  He’s constantly having digs about my husband. 

    I’ll keep venting on here - you are right, it’s does help.

    Sending hugs back and a big thank you!

  • Definitely not alone. My Dad has recently come to live with us, he has incurable metastatic ureter cancer and is currently between treatments. We lost my Mum 3 weeks ago so I'm trying to be patien but I haven't had a moment to grieve due to Dad's illness. Currently waiting for an ambulance for him as he has signs of sepsis and he is yelling at me telling me I'm a nag and I have no idea what he's going through. I'm 34 weeks pregnant and my 2 year old is asleep in the room across from him.

    I feel so much guilt for inflicting this situation on my family but don't see any other option. He won't entertain going into any form of care but he can't live independently.

    I wish I had the answers, but you are definitely not alone with your thoughts xx