Feeling we are not coping well

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My Dad is 99 years of age and has advanced prostate cancer. He also has asthma, severe hearing loss and short term memory problems. He deteriorated during lockdown (although this was probably nothing to do with lockdown and just a coincidence) and was registered as housebound in late 2020. Deterioration in the last 5 weeks has been dramatic. His mobility is now very poor, he falls regularly and we have had to call the paramedics twice in the last 3 days.

He lives with my 87 year old Mum and the most recent changes have lead to us getting live in care for Dad.  They have both found this hard to accept I think, having someone living in your home is never easy.  He has had several UTIs recently, currently has a chest infection and had a catheter fitted 3 weeks ago. The fact is that 6 weeks ago they were managing with half an hours cleaning 5 times a week and me visiting, doing odd chores, shopping etc., to now needing almost constant care. Mum is reluctant to do anything, even things she was able to do 6 weeks ago like ordering her shopping online have stopped.

To be honest I cannot praise highly enough the help they have received, he has seen two different OTs, physios and has had input this week from the falls unit. The District Nurse visits regularly. Support from the GP has been a bit hit and miss but Dad has had a home visit.

Dad's carer is allowed to get up twice in the night to help him but we feel he needs more now and we are looking at waking nights care. They are able to self fund at the moment fortunately. I have been staying over and sleeping on the floor in their room because he tries to get out of bed in the night. He is usually too wobbly to do this and also has the night bag attached so we have to keep him in bed. He does not sleep well and this is a major issue with him as he panics when he can't get to sleep. He is having a hospital bed delivered on Monday as both OT and physio say his bed is completely unsuitable for him.

We were looking at a care home for both of them, but Dad didn't want to go and Mum changed her mind when we were offered rooms (this was because at this point he was sleeping okay again). Then we get one bad night and it all heads down hill again.

Mum has no patience with him, I'm not sure why, but she has become very selfish and it is all about her now. I don't know if this is the start of some sort of dementia or just her not being able to cope. She criticises everything the carers do, gets cross when health professionals address the carer instead of her and is generally unappreciative of everything that has been done for them. She told me to "shut up" earlier in the week when the falls unit were there.

I feel that none of us are coping very well, I am sometimes surviving on 3 hours sleep a night whilst having to go to work and Mum is still not happy even thought I am staying there in the room with them.

To be honest there are many people in far worse situations than they are, but I appreciate that's not something I can say to Mum. Even in the early hours of this morning when the paramedics were at their house Mum just kept saying we can't go on like this, when Dad had just fallen and had breathing problems because of a chest infection.

I'm not sure what the answer is to be honest. I think we are failing at the moment and even though we have help in place it isn't working mainly because Mum would prefer me to do all  the caring (she says not, but I'm not so sure). She said this morning to my Dad that their cup of tea was late being made because I was just chatting to their carer!

My brother is supportive and arranged the live in care but he lives 30 miles away so is not as immediately available as I am.

I know Mum is likely struggling with the fact that her husband is so ill, but the fact that she is not remotely grateful for any help she is given and is quite honestly downright rude on occasions is difficult to cope with. 

Sorry long post, I wonder if anyone has any advice or has experienced similar?

  • Hi and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    It sounds like you and your family are going through a very difficult time right now. I don't have any answers I'm afraid but I just wanted to suggest that you copy and paste this into a new post in the carers only group, which I can see that you've joined, as then you'll connect directly with other carers who may be able to share their experiences with you.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Oh thank you, I will do!

  • Dear Agnes

    im sorry to hear what a difficult time you are currently having. 

    my mother became unreasonable and horribly rude to carers. In the end one day when she was in a calm moment I asked her why she was reacting to others like this. It was a useful discussion for me and her. She did become a little more thoughtful temporarily though it didn’t last. She did develop dementia after this and paradoxically became kinder. 
    She described how humiliating she found it to be dependent on others. However she also thought they were ‘ idiots ‘ and therefore was judging them by her standards. I tried to get her to consider her own intellectual snobbery and told her very directly that these people who were carers were kind and patient towards her and she was lucky to have them and the job they did in society was just as valid as hers ( she was a high flyer ) 

    she remembered this for a couple of weeks 

    not sure this will help but it might be good for thought 

  • Hi I’m not sure how much help/advice I can offer but think you’re doing amazing under the circumstances. 
    My dad lived about 30 miles away and I’m an only child and only relative that could help look after him. When I tried to get care he fought me on everything and as he was deemed to have capacity could refuse but couldn’t understand that left everything to me! He genuinely thought not eating or washing every day was him coping! 
    Things came to a head when my husband was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and my dad had to go into hospital. Before he came home I had to say I couldn’t do it by myself anymore and carers came in 4 times a day, he was pretty much bed bound by this time. 

    Despite knowing my husband was ill he still wouldn’t meet me half way which was very upsetting to me. I had to put the responsibility onto social services, a bit of tough love unfortunately and was not easy. 
    If you’re  doing everything everyone else will be happy to let you (I mean the authorities) so it maybe time to say enough and that you need support xx 

    Lucy x 
  • Thank you so much for the replies.

    Things are up and down this week, Dad has been in and out of hospital, whilst in A&E he tested positive for Covid. It seems that the "colds" both my parents had for a week were in fact Covid, which explains why I tested positive a few days ago.

    Luckily they are both doing quite well, thank goodness for the vaccine!

    We have a waking night carer now which should help Mum to get some sleep.

    Dad has "hospital@home" visiting every day until his sodium is back to normal which is reassuring, they are also referring him to urology to try and find out why he continually has blood in his urine. No one seems sure whether it is from the prostate cancer or not.

    Dad's short term memory is bad, but since he came out of hospital on Friday his strength seems to have improved and a physio has been out to give him exercise, which so far he is doing!

    They have their regular carer back now for 4 weeks so hoping things will settle down. I will try and talk to Mum about how she talks to the carers as everyone has noticed that she can be very rude to them and about really silly things as well!