My mam has lung cancer

  • 1 reply
  • 44 subscribers

Hi we found out in January this year that my mum has terminal lung cancer. She is 81 and has lived with me, my husband and children for over 20 years. She wasn't in great health before the diagnosis and I used to do her personal care but she could still get around the house.

Since coming out of hospital She can't walk and is totally bed bound its like she has given up. I really struggle day to day with everything and find I push my feelings to one side as I need to put mam first.

Recently I took mam on holiday and there has been a big family fall out over it we only went an hour away and I asked the doctors if it was OK and they were happy for her to go but my other siblings have fell out with me over it, everything is getting to me lately and feel like I can't do anything right with regards to mam. I'm her main carer And work from home full time so know all of mams needs but they said it was a safe guarding issue. Honestly I think I just need to vent somewhere.

  • Hi and welcome to our community though sorry to hear about your mam.

    Caring full time alongside work is really hard but I am very glad to hear you managed to go away - unfortunately families can be quite tricky and I am sure it was a great experience for all of you. Often where one family member does a lot of the care the others can feel a bit excluded and can get jealous over your relationship.  Would it be worth talking to your mam and your family to see it perhaps they might like to get a bit more involved? I know when my parents were ill I went to look after them one day and it is something of a treasured memory for me.

    You clearly are doing things right for your mam - and you know it - do come here and vent whenever, we even have a special space The Room - just remember to slam the door on the way out!



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