My dad has prostate cancer

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  • 44 subscribers

Hi everyone I'm the only carer for my 90 Yr old dad who has prostate cancer, since Saturday I've been caring for him 24/7 he is bed ridden now and the dr told me yesterday that the treatment isn't working he's got maybe a few months. He hasn't told my brothers or my sister because they are uncaring and distant from him he said he feels like he has only me and my 5 children, out of 4 children 15 grandchildren and 6 great gran children. My brother knows dad's been ill but thinks he will be fine in few days. Everything is now up to me and I am really struggling I've had to leave my children to be here they are all old enough to cope but have many health problems each. This is so very hard I can't see my partner another single parent who doesn't live with me, he will come when he can, he is my only support, my brothers and sister don't speak to me havnt done for many years I'm a single parent and not good enough for them, I don't know how to get through this I know this is to the end my dad is dieing and he wants to die in his bed with his dog beside him, I know my sister will want him put away in a home out the way so I've got a fight with them as my brothers will agree with her and always have they say talking helps, sorry this is so long 

  • Hi

    So sorry to read about your dad and the impact this is having on your family. A key element I read in your story is the focus on your dad - it is great that you can be open with your children but perhaps the prognosis of "a few months" is not totally helpful.

    If we look at Looking after someone with cancer then one of the key elements - one I learnt the "hard" way is remembering to look after ourselves. You are clearly a remarkable person - any single parent has coped with a tremendous workload and I am sorry to hear about the divisions in your family.

    Macmillan do note that Talking about cancer can be incredibly helpful - and I am grateful to have our community to help share the load so thank you for posting - that "talking" we do with the keyboard can be a massive positive.



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