Restricted visiting in hospital

  • 2 replies
  • 45 subscribers


My mum has advanced breast cancer and is no longer on treatment. She had to be admitted to hospital this week due to effusion of fluid on her lungs. They drained 2l off and her breathing had improved. She has been discharged but we have to wait for a care package to be in place before she is allowed home. 

She has nt been eating for a whike now and has developed dilerium today. They are doing tests, but she us v agitated and was comforted when me and my sister visited. However there has been an outbreak of covid on the ward so visiting has been suspended. She is in a respiratory ward and I'm worried her cancer needs are not bring met. Also I'm worried she will be scared and confused which will be made worse because we can't visit.

She can't use her phone as she is too confused to operate it and I'm just scared that something will happen and me and my sister won't be there. I know she us physically safe on the ward, but I really don't know how much longer she has and not being able to visit is v upsetting. I just can't shake the feeling I won't get to see her again, or that she is afraid and alone. I know no-one on here can really help, its just helpful to be able to express my fears. Thank you.

  • Daffodil B,

    This sounds awful for you. I remember only being allowed one hour a day, via a booking system, when my wife was in hospital and that was bad enough. Not getting in at all? I just can't imagine how that must feel.


  • Oh Daffodil B, I feel your pain here. The lack of visiting, while we can understand their reasons, is so cruel on the person and their family. My husband was diagnosed with a stage 4 brain tumour in Sept 2020 at the height of covid restrictions. There was zero visiting allowed. Leaving him alone at the hospital to face his surgery on his own was beyond hard. 

    If your mum has her phone with her, could you arrange a good time to chat to her when one of the staff can help her operate the phone? Or is there a phone on the ward that they can help her to use so at least you can talk to her.

    I hope the restrictions are lifted soon so that you can get to see her.

    sending you a huge virtual hug. Hang in there.

    love n hugs

    Wee Me xx

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