I am feeling so frightened of loosing Mum : (

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I have not posted on her for a while. I guess I am hoping to here some stories of people in similar situations. My Mum was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer Jan 2021 . Her diagnosis was devastating and the fact that it was in the middle of the pandemic so I couldn't be at appointments to support her made things so much harder. For a long while my Mum seemed to be doing OK so we got on with living and spending time as a family. We had a cloud of sadness lingering over special occasions like Mothers Day , Christmas etc thinking it was very possibly our last as a family. But as she was doing fairly OK and seemed still much like herself it seemed easier to try to forget about it at times also. Fast forward to now 18 months later and things are getting pretty bad. She now struggles with bad breathlessness daily so can not leave her home. She feels sick all day everyday and spends most of the afternoons sleeping. She is struggling to eat anything due to the sickness and is loosing so much weight. It is so sad to see what this horrible illness is doing to my Mum. Its as if she is changing daily and slipping away slowly right before my eyes. I have given up work to care for her full time and spend all my time with her. This just seems to have made us closer than ever which makes the fact I am probably going to loose her pretty soon hurt even more. I try to be cheery and upbeat around Mum as she would only worry even more if she thought I was struggling and I dont want to give her anymore to worry about. Truth is I am absolutely terrified of facing life without her. I am not sleeping very well at all which is adding to everything. I am so so scared of what I will have to see her go through as the end gets closer. I sometimes wish she could just slip away peacefully in her sleep one night before things get really bad. Then I hate myself for even thinking that way. This isn't about me I know that and I feel so so selfish for even considering where it leaves me. I just can't imagine my place in the world without Mum, I know its a cliche but she literally is my best friend and my backbone when things go wrong. I know she doesn't want to be here much longer suffering like she is but I just want her to stay here forever for me which is selfish I know. I feel as if I have been grieving for her since the day of diagnosis which has made me feel quite confused and over anxious. I hate to admit that I'm not coping at all : ( I just wanted to reach out to anyone who may read this and relate to it. It's such a lonely place, I have amazing people around me but feel like they could never understand as they all still luckily have their parents.. I feel as if my heart is breaking everyday and the person I used to be when Mum was well has already gone . I send all my love to anyone going through this Stay strong xxx

  • So sorry Bella84, I completely understand how you feel, you've put my own feelings into words, so I thank you. I lost my mum too through cancer, it's horrid how we're given hope, then it's snatched away from us. My heart goes out to you. It still hurts after decades of being without her and I miss her everyday still.

    This journey we're on, like it's the end of the world because we can't imagine life after the journey has ended. Sorry for my true cliché, but the sun will shine again though you'll never be the same.

    No words will ever be able console you, but it's good that you've formed your fears into words. Big hugs xx

  • Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to reply and thank you for your words. Im sorry you lost your Mum and you still are feeling the pain of her loss. It's such a sad thing to go through and I know this horrible illness is turning people's lives upside down day after day all over the world. But it just seems to suck you into a little lonely world of your own at times. Writing it all down just felt a  helpful way of getting all these thoughts out of a constantly spinning head . Hugs Xx

  • Bella84 I feel your pain. The dilemmas you are feeling. The guilt at wishing your mum would just fall asleep and not wake rather than deteriorate before your eyes. Cancer is a horrible illness. My dad died of cancer 25 years ago and my mum was diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer during the pandemic. She was given 6 months but is here 18 months later after 2 rounds of chemo. But like your mum her health has deteriorated.  Weak and losing weight. I support her as much as I can but it's hard. Grieving what she was. Yet loving that she is still here. It's painful for sure especially knowing things will get worse. I cope by overeating and my weight is spiralling up whilst my mum is fading away. I'm sending you my love xxx

  • Thank you for replying . I'm sorry to hear you are going through this too it is truly horrible . Like your mum mine was given 6 months but thankfully has surpassed that . The grieving starts from the moment we are told it's terminal which is one of the hardest things I've struggled to take on. It's such a long period of anticipation for grief it can really take a mental toll . I cry a LOT and the tears bring on really bad headaches but I can't seem to stop crying. I just feel so so lost . I am a Mum myself and sometimes feel that I'm loosing sight of that and becoming wrapped up in this all consuming grief. That brings on even more anxiety because I feel like I'm letting my daughter down at times. Giving up work to full time care has also brought on financial worries in a time where living day to day is hard enough. It's just a horrible experience and my heart goes out to you and everyone who is going through the same. Sending love to you and your family . Stay strong xx

  • Hi Bella84, 

    Reading your post made me quite teary as I'm in the same situation. I'm an only child with no other family, it's always been me and my mum. At the beginning of April she was diagnosed with stage 4 suspected womb cancer, she had an operation for 15 hours which was one of the scariest moments of my life. She had her first round of chemo then developed severe vomiting which caused dehydration which put a strain on her kidneys then she had an intestinal blockage. It's been a complete whirlwind, like back to back episodes of a horror series. I'm completely burnt out and really struggling because I want to do everything I can for her. I've no children, not through lack of trying, and I'm terrified she'll pass before I get to have children. She is my best friend, my conscious and in all honesty I really don't think I'll ve able to cope if/when she passes. She's extremely strong but very pragmatic and isn't sure how long she has left. I just really want to wake up from this bad dream. Stay strong but know its okay and normal to be sad and angry, all of those emotions are normal xxx

  • My mum is in christies at the moment and yesterday got told she has 6 months, you've taken the words right out of my mouth and described exactly how I'm feeling too, she's failing fast and also vomiting, rapid weight loss and kidneys and bowel no longer functioning fully, it's a scary life to be living and I honestly don't know how I'll cope without her, I feel your pain and I'm so sorry you and your mum are going through this x x x 

    • I'm so sorry for you and your mother. I don't think words can really articulate how you must be feeling. I think it'll take a long time to find a way to function as this is a life changing situation but your mother has given the tools and guidance to process everything in your own time, noone else's so just take it one day at a time and please look after yourself and spend time with your mother. Please reach out if you need help, I'm here too. Big hugs xx