Totally overwhelmed but advice needed xx

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  • 44 subscribers

Hi all, hope everyone is aswell as can be and there’s still some smiles to be had xx

little brief timeline, it’s always been a standing joke over the years whenever we went out we had boxes of Rennie or gaviscon!!

Hubby has worked in the Middle East for the past 17 years, never really had a doc here as always saw a camp medic if need be, plus he’s a big burly bloke who dosent need a doc!! he had obviously been struggling to eat for a while but not said anything, thinking indigestion. 

Dec 21 holiday to Thailand, he can barely eat but goes back to work,

Jan work sent him to Dubai for tests, CT, MRI showed oesophagus cancer 

Feb 14 arrived hme to a multitude of tests that showed spread to the hip so no operation but chemo

April 4 we get married 

April 7 chemo starts, 8 rounds of xelox.

1st and 2nd round end up in hospital due to sickness, 3rd round arm in agony, 4th round Monday gone, been asleep since

cannot have immunotherapy as wrong type of tumour ?

Present day,  house sold (long story) can’t afford the mortgage no insurance.

I am shattered from caring for him, working and trying to keep house, sell it, pack all by myself. And now concerned we’ll be homeless

My question is, do we rent in the same area where even after all this time we have not even seen or met his actual oncologist or move to a diff area that’s well known for its oncology dept.

sorry for the rambling xxxx

Sammih xxx

  • What a nightmare you are living through, so very sorry you're having such a rotten time. Think you need to get expert advice regarding your finances.

    We moved areas during the early stages of my husband's illness (before he had a diagnosis). It has been a nightmare as we moved under a different health authority, and the two health authorities have completely different computer systems which don't 'talk' to each other, so not being able to digitally access scan and xray results has been a huge hindrance. Each new consultant needed their own tests and scans, so waiting for appointments for new tests has prolonged his treatment. But before we even got to see the new consultant we had to get a referral from our new GP, and even that was a pain because the GP had his own ideas of my husband's illness and insisted we tried a fungus cream for his itching (his itching is a symptom of his lymphoma). Maybe we were unlucky, but you might be able to 'dovetail' your husband's treatment more quickly than we did.

    Best wishes for the best possible outcome.