Second opinion?

  • 1 reply
  • 44 subscribers

Hi there,

My sister was diagnosed with cancer which had spread to her liver, completely out of the blue, three weeks ago.

We've been told by a very brusque surgeon that it is inoperable but because sis is well. she'd be referred for chemo.

Saw the equally brusque oncologist today who said that chemo wouldn't be suitable as the cancer is too advanced.

My question is...should I seek a second opinion?  They have only taken two scans of sis' liver, when she was suffering from jaundice 3 weeks ago......any advice would be very welcome.

  • Ms Mack,

    It seems you have both experienced the side of some people who just can't speak to others in an appropriate, empathetic, manner. 

    I'd say yes, seek second opinion. What is there to lose? I did likewise, near the end, when we were initially told by the consultant on duty in the hospital that nothing would work. The lead oncologist hadn't been consulted, I found out after treatment was stopped, and I immediately got his opinion. In our case it did not matter and he assured me there was nothing could be done however, it made me feel better that I had done so. I don't think I could have lived with that on my mind if I hadn't.

    You have to go with how you feel. Will it make you feel better if you ask? I think absolutely.

    Best wishes and take care.
