Anxiety issues

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  • 47 subscribers

Hi, my husband has recently been diagnosed with inoperable pancreatic cancer. He has had 2 rounds of chemotherapy with which he is coping quite well, even though the outlook isn't good. 

Unfortunately its me who doesn't appear to be coping well. I'm usually a strong, positive person, but am suffering with anxiety problems which I feel very guilty about as its him that needs looking after and not me. I have had palpitations, dizziness and chest pain to name but a few which have resulted in hospital trips.I just want to be well to look after him and am feeling very selfish at the moment. My GP advised me to talk to someone about this so that is what has brought me here today. Any advice about coping would be greatly appreciated. At the moment all I seem to do. is cry at the drop of a hat.

  • Hi Greenie, I do know how you feel. I have always suffered badly with anxiety. Specially since I met my husband 10 years this month. It was not until in 2013 he was diagnosed with kidney cancer stage 3, since then it has been a rollercoaster ride. He will never get better but I'm not as bad as I was.

    Yes your Dr is right, do find a good friend or a Councillor to talk to. Some hospices have people you can speak with or like you are already doing, Talking to us.  We have or going through the same emotions as you. You are no way alone or different, are emotions are tested daily. But you do get through it. It's making each day a good day. I use to think how do I do that when my feelings are a mess, well yes you will get days when you feel low & want to cry but you will also have good days when you can laugh.

    Even though I also care for my disabled mum & hubby, I enjoy doing things for myself. My best bit is volunteering for a charity shop just 3hrs and it takes me away from thinking. I'm able to consentrate on doing the task in hand & meet new people. Lovely bunch they are, this is how I have made new friends, they also understand that I may not be able to work every week.

    Don't forget to look after yourself,  you are important as well. Go & get your hair done, have coffee with friends  etc.

    I hope this has helped. Sending big hugs. Xx



    Sending big hugs to you all

  • Many thanks for your kind words. I am trying to get out and meet people more I have been shutting my self away which isn't good I know. 

    I'm sure things will improve in time. As you say good days and bad days.

  • No don't shut your self away. Get out and out.  Do you own a dog.? If you do, that's one way of getting out either together or on your own.

    We got one when Paul decided he could not do manual labour in a factory anymore, thought getting a dog would keep him company while I was at work plus the exercise would do him good. I don’t work anymore and Paul just reaching his pension age  we laughed when he used his bus pass the other day he was so excited, I still have to pay but we were going to the pictures.

    4 years on, since the found his cancer had spread to his spine. He has found that his legs are weak and have a mind of their own. We joke about it, he walks like he's had too much to drink. He finds it hard to pick things up from the ground now, but he does try to take the dog out even if it takes him longer.

    If you need to chat I'm here for you, if I see your notifications. 



    Sending big hugs to you all

  • Hi I totally understand how your feeling. My husband has recently been diagnosed with cancer of the brain. Normally I'm the social one  and always organising us but I've literally fell apart. I don't feel able to talk or see anyone. I just want to hide away.

    It's hard, I've a good friend who I'm now able to share my worries / feelings without crying my eyes out the whole time.

    I force myself to go out for a walk everyday and it does make me feel better. 

    I hope time will help but at the moment  I feel totally overwhelmed by how our lives have changed in a few days and how scary our future now is. 

    I'm not sure this helps but you really aren't alone in feeling as you do.

  • Hi Greenie

    I'm also usually strong and positive but suffering with anxiety and feeling guilty about it.  Talking about it has helped.  Feedback from professionals and trained volunteers has been more helpful than comments from friends who don't have experience or awareness.  I've been advised not to be too hard on myself and that my feelings are understandable and normal - reading the posts here makes me feel more normal.  I've also started practising mindfulness and self-compassion.

    Take care.


  • Thank you Sally. I feel that if I can sort out my anxiety problems I can be strong for my husband.