Husband refusing treatment

  • 8 replies
  • 47 subscribers

My husband has been diagnosed with aggressive prostate cancer and he is refusing any kind of treatment. Surgery is not possible but radiation and hormone treatment recommend. Unfortunately he has kidney failure and receives dialysis three times a week so radiation treatment would be very difficult but is possible, but he is refusing all treatment.  Hormone treatment alone could give him a possible 3 years but he doesn’t want the 3 years.  He is no longer able to be on the transplant list, hates the dialysis and does not want to live.  My daughter and I have had to accept his decision, after many angry discussions, but it’s so extremely hard and we just don’t know what to expect.  I’m glad I found this forum and know that we are not alone in dealing with our loved ones pain, actions and decisions.

  • Curtis,

    You are, sadly, far from alone in your experience. It's a very difficult experience and we just have to hope that our loved ones know/knew how much we care/cared about them.

    Best wishes and take care.


  • WDJ - thank you for your kind words. I’m sure he does know how much we love him and care and we just need to take it one day at a time.

    Best wishes 


  • Sending you best wishes. My Mum did not want treatment for her throat cancer as she did not like hospitals and had cared for my father for 2 years until he died ( not cancer related) She was able to die peacefully at home. My husband is recently diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer. Awaiting news of treatment (palliative) however he may not accept it if the benefits are not great compared to side effects. We have had a full and active life and I do not want him to be in more pain than necessary. It is still hard

  • Thank you for your message. My daughter and I have accepted that we must let our husband/father make his own decisions no matter how difficult that is to accept. Only he knows how he is truly feeling.  Sending best wishes to you and your husband.

  • I am so sorry you have found yourself in such an unbearable position. Sending you lots of love and strength. I wish I could do more HeartHeartHeart

  • Thank you it’s nice to know others thinking of us x

  • HI Curtis

    oh you're certainly not alone. This is a really supportive safe space for folk in our position. Personally I've drawn a lot of support from this group.

    My own husband has a stage 4 brain tumour and after the initial 6 weeks of oral chemo/radiotherapy he refused all further treatment. As a family we have had to respect his decision but it doesn't make it any easier. Heartbreakingly he admitted to our son recently that he wishes he had never had the surgery or 6 weeks of treatment. That was hard to hear for my son and I. 

    He's always said its about quality of life not quantity and who am I to disagree with him?

    sending you a huge virtual hug. Take it one step at a time, Breathe.

    love n hugs

    Wee Me xx

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hello Wee Me,

    I find comfort that I am not alone and from the online group I know that there are others going through the same heartbreaking experience.  My next step is to let the “medical team” know of his decision which I am sure will then lead to many questions. Unfortunately my husband is extremely deaf and cannot use a telephone and had no idea how to operate a computer and therefore everything falls on our daughter and I to deal with like appointments, medication etc etc plus explaining to him what has been said when we meet with doctors etc.

    Your message is very much appreciated and my thoughts are with you at this difficult time for you and your son x

    Curtis xx