Today Husband diagnosed with Oligodendroglioma

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  • 44 subscribers

Hi all 

just after some advice my husband on 10/04 had his first seizure and it was found he has a tumour. He was in hospital 9 days and sent home. 30/04 he had his second seizure and was in hospital 30 days. He has had his biopsy on the 25/05 and today we have had our diagnosis of Oligodendroglioma grade 2. 
he has been emotional it is inoperable but we have been told we maybe able to shrink It or put it in a dormant state. I don’t know how to approach him with how he is feeling as he has been so strong. He is the man of the house and has always worked hard to be the provider and he still thinks he has to do this. 
He has been so positive all the way through but today he has said that we need to discuss a Plan B just in case. I hate to hear him talk like this. He is on 50 and he has health issues whereby I donated my kidney to him in 2011 and Melly the Kidney has been going strong. We planned on growing old together and we were starting to live our life now the kids have grown up and then Bang this happens. I am scared and constantly on edge waiting for the next seizure. I want to be his rock and as supportive as I can be but I can feel myself starting to crumble. Is this normal? 

  • hi

    Sorry to read you story, you have both been through such a lot and everyone on here is likely to recognize lots of your story.

    Sometimes it helps to have a plan ready for if he has a seizure then we are as ready as we can be. In part of my wife's treatment she had a series of collapsed lungs - I think she got frequent flier miles in the ambulance.

    For all of us having plan B in place can be helpful - but then plan B goes out the window too.



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