Feeling lonely and battered mentally

  • 4 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Hello.  My husband was diagnosed with bladder cancer a year ago and we were informed it had spread to his bones in November 2021.  He is receiving immunotherapy every three weeks.  I am his sole carer.  Over the last few days I feel as if I've hit an invisible wall, emotionally, mentally and physically.  I feel terribly lonely a lot of the time as he spends a lot of time in bed and is quite depressed himself.  When he's engaging with me the old person sometimes returns and we can still laugh.  I feel very anxious and have just upped my medication slightly.  I guess what I'm feeling is not unusual but I don't want to moan to my friends and work colleagues all the time.  Sometimes I feel as if I just want to run away.

  • Hello Chessie. You express all the things I’ve been feeling. I’ve only been caring for my husband by myself for 7 weeks, but I’ve reached that wall and don’t feel I can ‘offload’ to my friends who are already being as supportive as they can. That’s why I came to this forum. One thing I’ve learned over these past few weeks is to take whatever help is offered. Our Macmillan nurse has suggested counselling, perhaps that could help you too? Being a sole carer is hard work, so I hope you can talk to someone about what support you can access. I’m also trying to find relaxing things to do to occupy me while he’s asleep (apart from the chores!) so I’ve picked up my crochet again and am thinking about digging out my watercolour paints. It’s hard to find the energy and enthusiasm sometimes, but I usually find I feel better if I can give my mind a little time out. The thing about being a carer is, despite feeling lonely, we are not alone and there is help out there, even if we’re not used to asking for it (I know I’m not!). All the best.

  • Hi Chessie, reading this was like reading my own mind. I completely understand as have been doing the same for my husband since December. It’s relentless isn’t it? I live for the tiny sparks of the man I used to know and I cling to those. The other stuff is so overwhelming though and I think it feels really lonely. I worry about moaning about my situation and often feel guilty for thinking about my own needs in all this. 
    sending thoughts and love


  • Dear All on this thread

    im also caring for my husband at home. He was diagnosed in A & E 10 weeks ago. I’m in shock at how fast he has declined. I feel guilty that I am frightened of his death. He wants to be at home and I want to help him have his wishes but I’m so scared of how this will be. He declines each day and the last ten weeks feel like years. Time seems suspended and yet flying past. 
    He wants visitors but I don’t want anyone to come over. He thinks he’s coping with visitors but he really isn’t. Then I feel guilty that I resent friends coming over. I’m sick of making drinks and snacks etc etc when I then have to nurse him when they’ve gone. 
    I feel guilty for thinking and feeling all of this. 
    I just want things to be calm and quiet. 

    When people tell  me to ‘ look after yourself ‘ I want to punch them. I feel bitter and angry. But I guess this is all normal in a way while we are in these dreadful circumstances. 
    thanks for this thread everyone 

    Cherry blossomCherry blossomCherry blossomCherry blossom

  • Chessie

    i to am feeling the same feel lonely sad scared, my husband is getting worse daily .I’m watching the man I love disappear . I have read yours and everyone who has replied  to you it’s like I’d written everyone.it helps to know that someone else really knows what your going through. I try not to burden people at work. It’s so hard