Brain Mets

  • 6 replies
  • 45 subscribers

My husband has secondary brain Metz and is currently in hospital we have been told no further treatment for the primary and secondary cancers will be given . The brain mets have made him very agitated, unsteady on his feet and confused, he knows me and our children at present,we have been told he currently doesn’t meet the criteria for hospice care and either he is to come home or placed in a care home, does anyone have any experience of this situation and would be willing to give me some much needed advice ? 


  • Hello

    really sorry to hear of your situation. May be an idea to talk to your GP and find out what support you can get, possibly the district nurses could help. Also you could give MacMillan a call 0808 808 00 00 to see if they can offer any advice or support. It’s really the toughest of times, do you have family or good friends that could help you emotionally and physically also.

    keep strong

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories

  • Hi

    Sorry to hear about your husband and finding yourselves in this position. I would expect the hospital to be able to offer care for the symptoms he might experience even if they cannot provide actual treatment - often referred to as palliative care. With my dad we went through a stage where he could live at home with carers coming in a couple of times a day to help us look after him but then when he became worse he went to a care home meaning there were staff on hand 24/7 - something clearly we could not provide and it was a bit of a relief to know he would be looked after and we could just become his loving family again.

    While we were caring at home we had in place both a needs assessment for my dad and a carers assessment, both from the local council that listed the level of support we needed as a family to make things work for everyone. For more information on the carers assessment you might look at

    Hope that helps 



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  • Thank you I will give the helpline a call tomorrow 

  • Thanks Steve my husband is already at the stage of needing 24 hour care he is only 58 and I worry that a care home is not the right environment for him and will they be equipped with a patient with palliative and end of life needs ? How did you find the care ? 

  • Hello

    once my Wife Linda was on Pallative care, she automatically received PIP payments, need the GP or oncologist to complete a form. The GP should be able to arrange district nurses, and hopefully MacMillan nurses will be able to help you.

    stay strong, good luck with the phone call tomorrow 

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories

  • Hi

    When dad was in hospital there is a duty of care on them to ensure patients are discharged to a suitable place. At one stage my dad just needed a secure home and that was fairly easy to find a placement but later as his behaviour became increasingly challenging we needed a more specialist setting.

    I found this page that talks about the different types of care homes that might be helpful -



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