Brother cancer no idea what I am doing

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My brother has been in hospital for 2 weeks thay kept telling us nothing till the last week. He has been discharged without a full diagnosis but thay said he has cancer in his lung, throat, lymph nodes and bones. He had been in hospital 2 times in the last 12 weeks and never picked up on it. Thay discharge him on Friday  even though he had not eaten anything for 5 days lost loads of weight. Thay said he didn't need any care at home. Thay have put no care plan in place.  He is now like he is not there alot of the time. He is not drinking much. He has lost feeling in his foot. Sleeping loads. Thay told us nothing of what to expect. I believe he is in the very end stages and don't know how long maybe days he's that bad  phoned the ware he was on thay said phone 111 if any concerns but I don't want to ship him of to hospital where he won't have the people around him he wants. Also the hospital is a waste of space. Sorry I don't really know why I am writing what I want I just needed to get it out I have no idea what I am supposed to be doing. Thanks 

  • Hello

    so very sorry to hear about your brother, you do need support at a time like this, could you ask your GP for a home visit ? He may be able to arrange support, possibly via the MacMillan nurses. Also have a look at

    you can phone MacMillan on 0808 808 00 00 they will help guide you

    I realise finances is not your top priority, but talk to your GP about PIP for your brother. ( personal independence payment ) this can be fast tracked, without any meeting etc, for cancer patients.


    thinking of you

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories

  • He was 48 sadly passed away this afternoon still trying to get my head round it 

  • Hello

    I am so deeply sorry to hear your news. You have my deepest condolences. I hope you have family or a close friend who can be with you and help you ?

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories

  • I have no words to describe how you feel, cancer is cruel,  it's a shame eventhough too much research is done but can't save their lives.I blame NHS and Gps as they always take long time to decide the treatment plans when cancer spread all the body.My son died with total negligence of NHS.for 3 wks he was treated for infection rather than relapsing cancer and stem cell nurse was useless,  never there for us no advice was given after stem cell transplant 

  • Anne star, my heart goes out to you. So very sorry to hear of your great sadness. I’m sure he’s now in a beautiful place beyond all suffering. You’re in my thoughts and prayers. X