Only the start of the journey..

  • 1 reply
  • 44 subscribers

Hi all, 

This is my first post on here. My stepmum is being treated for secondary liver and pelvic cancer. The primary has never been confirmed, but initially it was believed to be lung cancer. She had her first session of chemo on 29th April. We have since found out the dose she was given was too strong/high for her current weight, therefore it completely wiped her out! She was sleeping all the time and not eating. Prior to this, her journey feels like it started an age ago. She had to have a blood transfusion because the haemoglobin in her blood was too low at one point.  Consequently, this delayed the chemo session she's just had. 

A couple of weeks ago, whilst still recovering from the chemo she needed a further transfusion. Again, this delayed the second session. She has now lost so much weight, she is literally skin and bones and so weak. We thought she was improving as her appetite was returning and she was able to get out of bed and walk to the loo, sit on the loo and get back to bed on her own etc. For the last few days she's needed support again to do this amongst other things. An incident happened today whereby family members were due to take her out using a wheel chair. However, she was too weak to step out of the front door. At times, she is pretty much refusing to eat, even though my poor dad tries to encourage her to eat little and often. 

She is due to have her second session of chemo this coming Thursday. My poor dad is desperately trying to care for her but feels so helpless. I'm trying to support both of them, but feel so worried for my dad. We are really concerned she is too weak for the the next session and the effects it will have. We plan to call the Oncology team tomorrow. Does this sound normal? I have no prior experience with Cancer and feel very overwhelmed and that I have massively underestimated the journey ahead...

  • Hi

    So sorry to read your story and unfortunately - yes it does sound really fairly normal - well normal for the path we find ourselves on anyway.

    It does sound like talking to the oncology team might be helpful. Issues with eating are very common and your stepmum may need some more active support from the hospital.

    You have done well to come here - it took me much longer to reach out for help. I ended up doing a living with less stress course that really helped me - firstly to concentrate on the here and now, secondly the controlled breathing exercises that were great at handling the unexpected but also good for relaxation.



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