Feeling scared and a bit lost as my wife’s come home to die

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  • 49 subscribers

My wife’s breast cancer has spread to her brain so now on palliative care I feel I’m just waiting for her to pass I’m feeling lost and alone even though I’ve got an 11 year old son 

  • Thank you so much I know so many people must go through this it’s just been a devastating time 

  • Oh Michael, my heart goes out to you. I am so very sorry for what you are going through. The pain and sense of loneliness must be unbearable. Thank God you have your son for company and support. Bless you all. Sending you big hugs and healing thoughts. We are all here for you xxx

  • Michael I hate this disease as well I lost my daughter and now my husband is on palliative care no more treatment, I feel numb but we are trying to enjoy the days we have left together. People say how do you carry on,but you have too. I tell them that I will fall to bits at the end of this horrible journey with a cocktail on a beach. Make memories ,sending strength your way

    1. Sorry to hear about you're wife mate, went through the same situation last couple of month, lost my soul mate on the 12th,so i feel youre pain, Its hard especially towards the end, i can only offer is to say stay strong, youll find the strength to cope,from somewhere, i did. bloody horrible situation mate, 
  • I’m so very sorry, Michael67. I know that there is nothing anyone can say or do to make you feel any better at this time - just know that you are not alone in what you are going through. My husband has been in hospital for 7 weeks now. There is nothing more that can be done for him and he will be coming home as soon as he is stable, on palliative care for however long he has left.  He is unable to eat and I will be trained to manage his liquid nutrition and fluids through his PICC line.  I wish you and your son all the strength and grace needed to get through this traumatic time.  Sending a big hug

  • My wife passed away yesterday after her 2 year fight I’m absolutely devastated I feel so lost now

  • My wife passed away yesterday after her 2 year fight I’m absolutely devastated I feel so lost x

  • My wife passed away yesterday after her 2 year fight I’m absolutely devastated now feel so lost x

  • Michael67,

    Having been there only a few weeks ago myself, I share your loss.

    My best wishes to you and your family.


  • I am so deeply sorry for your loss. I can’t begin to imagine the pain that you and your son must be feeling right now. Be kind to yourself and let your body grieve and fall apart as much or as little as it and you need.  You got through the worst day of your life yesterday, and you will get through today and the day after.  I know you don’t know how, but you will. I have this to come and I am beyond terrified.  I admire you for just getting through to this point in time today. Sending love