
  • 3 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Hi. 5 weeks ago my husband was told he had some kind of cancer. Incurable but treatable. After an ebus and then a ct biopsy on his adrenal gland,Still don’t know where the primary is.they are going to try again to get a biopsy of the adrenal and if that fails treat as CUP. We are so scared that everything is taking so long without treatment that by the time they decide what to do it will be too late. Everyday is just filled with cancer. We don’t sleep. It just feels hopeless Disappointed 

  • Hi Bluey52

    As most people on this forum can tell you the early days are so scary and the wait for results and a treatment plan seems like a lifetime.

    But as you can read in my profile my husband (like many others) went 7 weeks before his treatment started and like you I was so worried that things would get worse. But the idea now is to get as much information as possible from biopsies and other tests so that the treatment can be specific to each patients cancer and stage. He’s also had some reactions which meant treatment was postponed but he’s still had some positive results so far. 

    Like your husband we were told B’s was inoperable and incurable but treatable (if you click on my name you can read my profile details) at the time it just seemed as if it was the end for him but we are now almost a year since diagnosis and he’s still doing okay!!! He’s had a partial response to the combined chemotherapy and immunotherapy and there has been no further metastatic spread which has given us hope of having much more time together than we expected at his diagnosis. 
    This community has been a great help to me on the days when I felt really down, everyone on here understands and can share our hopes and fears. 

    Grasan xx

  • Hi Bluey52 my husband received his diagnosis in October last year and initially thought it was a contained cancer but a few weeks later were told it had spread and could only be offered palliative treatment those first few weeks were hideous and I really didn’t think my husband would make it to chemo he was so depressed angry and frightened , he started treatment about 8 weeks after diagnosis and has responded ok to chemo the primary tumour has reduced in size and he starts radiotherapy at the end of May we have good days and bad days .. what you are both going through and experiencing is completely normal after receiving news that none of us expected 

  • Thank you for your reply and also grasan above. It’s terrible we are all in this position. Iam trying so hard to be positive for my husband, some days just seem impossible. We try and just get through each day and not think too far ahead. Hopefully we will get some news next week about what is next. Your support means so much. Thank you again Heart