Struggling to Cope

  • 3 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Hello. My partner was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumour last week. He’s 38, and we have a son who has just turned 3. My partner is being as positive as he can but I know he’s scared. I am waking up at night and in the morning in cold sweats, and a feeling of pure dread, fear, anxiety and panic. I’m trying to be here for my 3 year old but struggling and I feel guilty I can’t be there for him at the moment. My parents are helping out as best they can, but I just want my partner to be here and for our old life back. I am so sad and distraught, and I’m worried about my mental health if things go badly. I am terrified. I don’t know how I would cope without him, he’s the love of my life and we are best friends. And I am terrified in case it’s hereditary, which is can be. I just don’t know what I’d do if that happened. I cannot cope.
I know part of this feeling is shock as we only found out on Thursday, but I am terrified of spiralling out of control. I just want to scream. 

  • Hi @jane456 and welcome to our community though so sorry to hear about your partner.

    Any diagnosis of cancer is a shock so it is not surprising to hear about how you feel. Given that trying to guess how your partner might be feeling can be even more challenging and adding to the mix looking after a 3 year old even more so.  I am so glad you reached out on here though and remember you can always post on here or ring the helpline and even talk to your GP about you.  I so recognize the feeling of how will I cope - well somehow together we did - sometimes crying helps, I tend to view it as love overflowing from my eyes.

    If we look at Brain tumour causes and risk factors we can see that while brain tumours might be hereditary it is very rare and related to specific other conditions so that appears to be one bit of good news.

    Glad you have your parents on board, you all might like to look at Looking after someone with cancer especially the sections on coping with being a carer and who can support me.



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  • Thank you so much for your support and guidance.

  • Hello

    I am so sorry to hear the terrible news about your partner

    When the oncologist told us that my Linda may only have months to live. I just didn’t know what to do, we were all in complete shock, wasn’t expecting that, and we’re always hoping and praying for the best. I know your pain, I know how overwhelming it is, I so wish life was fairer than it is.

    Is there the possibility of treatment ? Do you have other family who can help support you ?

    I will pray for you all, sending you love and strength.

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories