Only child carers

  • 5 replies
  • 44 subscribers

Hello everyone, I'm new to the group and hoping to find support from others in similar situations. 

Since my mother's diagnosis of cancer on 31st March I've been in a whirlwind dreamstste. She recently had a radical hysterectomy where they also removed other diseased parts of her body and she's currently recovering in hospital. 

After she's discharged from hospital she'll be living with me, not sure for how long but I'm glad to have her with me as is my fiancé (his mother has survived breast and bowel cancer). 

As wonderful and supportive as my fiancé is I feel overwhelmed being the only child who is responsible for my mother, he does take exception to this but I think this is my inherited tramua response from it always being me and my mum supporting eachother.

We've also had several failed IVF attempts which I feel had prepared me for this unpredictable journey of, hopefully, a full recovery. 

Is there anyone out there in a similar situation as the only child with a sick parent? 

  • Hi Joy80,

    so sorry to hear about your mum. I hope she recovers well from her surgery. I saw your post and couldn’t not message, even though I don’t have loads of advice etc but I am in a similar situation to you and can empathise. I’m the only child to my mum who has lung cancer. She doesn’t have a partner and I’m her main source of support. Like you said, it’s always been me and my mum supporting each other .  My mum came to live with us (I have 2 kids) after she had lung surgery for nearly 2 months but is now independently living back at home. It is overwhelming sometimes. Me and my mum have pretty frank conversations about things and we’re open about how we feel which I think helps. We also do fun stuff together and laugh lots. Just wanted to reach out and say you’re not alone x

  • Hi, thank you for replying. It's nice knowing I'm not the only person in this situation. 

    Me and my mother have a very good relationship and had very frank discussions leading up to her surgery, even discussing funeral requirements etc. I thought this was normal in families but my fiancé never had these conversations with his parents. I think that's because his parents wanted to shield their children from everything but when it's just you and your mum you've no choice but to deal with it head on! 

    We only live down the road from eachother thankfully, never wanted to be far for this very reason but I'm hoping she'll enjoy living with me again lol. 

    I'm so happy to hear your mum is well and living independently, it's funny because the roles become reversed at a certain age and we worry about them as if they're our children. 

    She's my rock and I'd do anything for her. 

  • We also had similar conversations. The role reversal is sometimes tricky. I am super hopeful for your mums recovery. 
    (did you message me separately though? I’m sure I saw something but I don’t know how to get back to it! I’m rubbish with technology !)

  • Thank you, so far so good! So I clicked reply when I was on the actual site. Didn't realise you could message people privately. Hopefully this notification will bring you back to the main message. 

  • :) will be thinking of you. Keep us updated x