Very scared, partner has pancreatic cancer

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  • 45 subscribers

My partner went into hospital on 1st April with jaundice, when they scanned him they saw what looked like a tumour on the pancreas. They put in a stent for the bile duct and did a biopsy. We still haven't had the results but his notes say that it looks like a locally advanced tumour that has spread to the main portal vein. He's back in hospital because the stent didn't work and/or he has an infection.

He's 64 and overweight, a year ago he was quite fit but had an injury that has stopped him running. I can't see them performing surgery on the vein.

He asked me not to Google and of his symptoms but obviously I did. We've been together for around three years, after each spending 20/30 years in unhappy relationships. I know everyone facing life limiting illnesses will feel it's unfair they didn't get more time together, and I don't know how much time we have left. It's a lot to deal with and I'm afraid of losing him.

I'm not asking for answers, I just wanted to vent.

  • Sorry to hear what your both going through , my husband of 30yrs  got diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in Nov last year , we are on the 2nd course if chemo ( 2x 6 courses every 2 weeks ) so slightly different from your partner , we have been told after this round there will be a Ct scan & depending on results 3 weeks of radiotherapy & then fingers crossed surgery, the wipple procedure? It’s so hard we had so many plans , kids grown up , grandkids now & we were just starting to do things as a couple again , holidays , days out etc , so I know exactly how you are feeling , can’t plan for next week never mind next month/ year , we don’t go anywhere, chemo knocks him sidewards for over a week & then it all starts again x always here if you need to talk or vent xxx 

  • Thanks for replying - he was in hospital last week (for a new stent) then I've been settling him back in. We met with the consultant on Wednesday who confirmed it's cancer, confirmed it has spread to the main portal vein and maybe liver, so it's inoperable. He's too jaundiced for chemo right now so we are getting that under control and then it's one day at a time, as he keeps saying. Fingers crossed your husband can have surgery xxx

  • So so sorry to hear this ! Yes that’s all you can do is take one day at a time ! Stay strong & im here if you need someone to talk to & just to let of steam !! Xx 

  • Hello

    So sorry to hear your sad news

    Sending you love and strength Pray

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories