Just beginning this terrifying journey

  • 20 replies
  • 51 subscribers


New to this group so hello everyone. My husband has stage iv cancer of oesophagus.I hope I can be strong for him but so scared of what we may have to face in the coming weeks. At the moment we are waiting for appointment with oncologist. He has been told it will be treatment only as it has spread to his liver. I don't know whether I will be able to cope with him having chemo if the side effects are bad. Really struggling with everything right now and not really coping at all. I feel like I am grieving for the man he was instead of being grateful that I still have him and that makes me feel guilty. Anyone else have those feelings?

  • Sorry to hear this, my husband has OC with liver mets too with only treatment not surgery. Not everyone has the same experience of chemotherapy my husband is on his first cycle and is coping really well. I take one day at a time, I understand your feelings, there is a massive shift in your relationship which if I'm honest I find really difficult but it is the same if not worse for our partners. Enjoy the small things you can still do together Heart 

  • Hi Sue70

    Thank you so much for sharing this and being so honest with how your feeling. I completely understand and reading your story makes me feel less alone.

    I feel the same way about my dad as we wait for him to start chemo but not sure if he will cope with it all as he is already beaten down with everything else. However, we are not giving up. When I feel like I'm struggling, I let the tears fall and feel what I am feeling. Then I keep going cause that's all I can do. Will be thinking of you and your husband. 


  • Hi 

    Thank you for your replies. I don't know whether you have seen my recent post in carers forum. G has now had a week in hospital as his fluids were very low and he wasn't eating or drinking. He had a stent fitted and is now back at home. He is eating much better,creamy mash and gravy going down particularly well! Small improvements mean so much. Thinking of you all.


  • Hi Sue

    such good news, Thumbsup

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories

  • Both these pists could have been written by me. You are so not alone and the man you know changes with the illness, however dig deep they are still in there. 

    This group is so good. 

    Sending virtual hugs

  • Posts apologies no autocorrect

  • I can completely understand your feelings because I feel I have been grieving for my husband and he is still here , I have come to understand that I am grieving for the life we had as we have not really left the house since the beginning of covid , as my husband was diagnosed with bladder cancer and since last September we have gone through chemotherapy and 2 operations as well as a stroke.

    I am looking after my husband and doing everything that needs done in the house and shopping and driving etc it’s very tiring and I am still coming to grips with all the changes.

    please don’t get me wrong I am extremely grateful that my husband is still here with me as I love him so very much, but I am exhausted and feeling very anxious for the future 

  • Hello
    its no wonder you’re exhausted, have you enquired about support ? It’s normal to feel anxious about the future, but anxiety won’t help you or your husband. Concentrate on your love for each other. Enjoy every moment together, I simply sat and held my Lindas hand, it gave us both great comfort. Sending you love and strength 

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories

  • Thank you for your kind answer and you’re right anxiety is not good for anyone. I am learning to be more calm and try to appreciate the little things every day and not to worry about the future, jus to take one day at a time Heart️

  • Well done, it’s the only way, make the most of every minute of every day 

    thinking of you Pray

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories