My partner has become verbally abusive

  • 9 replies
  • 50 subscribers

My partner has been diagnosed with terminal lung cancer & has an unknown number of months left. I hate saying this, but he has always been a difficult man; quick to take offense, quick to anger, and very negative. His diagnosis seems to have magnified this.

I have had cancer myself, and know how terrifying it is. I am fortunate that I have been 3 years cancer free. I can understand a little of the emotions my partner will be feeling, but if course can't fully comprehend what having a terminal diagnosis does to a person's emotions.

My partner has become so very bitter, and verbally abusive. I've been sworn at, had doors slammed in my face, and it seems I can't do or say anything right. I understand that a lot of this is due to fear, frustration, and all the other emotions he must be dealing with, but it's becoming very hard to take.

He is like this not just with me, but with other members of the family, and with friends. In addition to feeling crushed by his behaviour, I feel overwhelmingly sad that the memories we will have of this time are of him being to nasty to us.

I've tried telling him how hurtful his behaviour is. I try to do positive things to make his days more comfortable and to do things he would like, but I can't get through to him. I suggested he talk to someone outside of the family about how he feels, but he refuses.

I have got to the point where I have to go into another room, or leave the house for a while, because I am finding this  so hard to take. This makes me feel bad because I feel he shouldn't be alone right now, but it's either that or be with him and take the abusive behaviour. It feels like he considers that his illness gives him free reign to say exactly what he wants, irrespective of how hurtful it is. 

I really want to spend this time making special memories with him, and helping him to have the best time he can, but I can't if he won't let me. I am at a loss as to what to do for him, other than continue to be as supportive as he will let me, and try to develop a thicker skin, but it's very hard.

Has anyone else experienced this, and how did you cope please?

  • Hi and welcome to our community, though sorry to hear about your partner and the impact this is having on you both.

    In my time on here I have certainly seen similar cases but the nearest we got was with my wife pushing me to look after myself and not worry about her.

    I certainly agree that making special memories might be good but perhaps from his point of view that might feel a bit more like giving up.

    My biggest turn around was when I did a living with less stress course, the mindfulness aspects of living in the here and now was very helpful and the conscious breathing was great for dealing with issues when the arise but also getting a good nights sleep.



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  • Living this every day. It's hard, it's hurtful and I really don't know what to say that will help.  I too have to walk away to stop having to hear those hurtful nasty remarks. I cry a lot and try so hard to not let it get to me, but, I'm human. 

  • I am so sorry that you are going through this, it is just so very hard even when things are going reasonably well but your partner is obviously struggling a great deal with his emotions and is unable to see things from your perspective.  I don’t know what the answer is except maybe you could persuade him (or jointly) to seek counselling?  

    Take care
    J x
  • FormerMember

    Yes, living with this.  It’s very difficult.  I got a counsellor for myself and that has helped.  My counsellor has made sure I take care of myself, and also has perspectives on what my husband is feeling and what (if anything) I can do. I had a friend who suffered terrible shouting and insults  from her terminal husband and did feel it robbed away memories of the good years.  So I do think getting some counselling support for you would be very valuable in helping to sort out your feelings and coming up with suggestions (or knowing there is nothing you can do, if that’s the case).  Best wishes.

  • My husband is only just awaiting diagnosis and has been almost impossible to be around for the last three months. I was beginning to think we might have to split up and I would leave as he was quite simply unbearable. It was odd, I thought he must be getting dementia and of course now we know he’s ill. Now I feel guilty for thinking I needed to split up. But also I’m very worried by his character changes. He’s barely speaking to me now at all. I know he’s unwell, stressed and frightened probably but to be honest I feel like I don’t even recognise him any more. 
    Thanks for sharing so openly what is going on for you as it at least helps me realise that personality changes are a part of the illness. 

  • I can completely relate to all of these posts.  I was just thinking last night that I don't know how much longer I can do this for.  I emotionally disengage from my husband because it wears me down to be around my him.  He also refuses counselling and talking about how he feels.  Instead he takes his anger out on me and the 2 oldest children.  It feels like emotional abuse.  I keep myself away from him as lonely as it is and I will sign up for some counseling just for some sort of emotional support.  I will get back to meditating daily for 10 minutes and all of my other self care.   I took a break from my normal self care routine as it was school holidays and I had all 3 kids at home, but I had a few mini breakdowns and I can see that if I don't do my self care it really affects my stress levels.  Sending hugs and please know you are not alone.

  • OMG, Chi-wow, I totally understand what you're going through!

    I am going through exactly the same as you. Although my partner's illness isn't terminal (as far as I know) his moods and temper are all over the place. He sometimes says really hurtful things and his temper tantrums can be very frightening. I have to keep reminding myself that he is going through hell and I have no idea how he must be feeling.

    Lots of love to you xxx

  • Hello Juppy ... You've hit the nail right on the head for me. I feel like I'm living with a complete stranger at times.

    Lots of love to you xxx

  • I’m so glad that it’s not only me that’s going through this …I was feeling so isolated and wondering why my lovely hubby has turned into a person I barely know …he won’t even allow me to go to the hospital appointments with him , one of our daughters takes him ,so all the feedback I receive is second hand …I don’t mind my our daughter going , she’s totally honest with me and understands how I’m feeling 

    when he’s being grumpy, I deal with him by completely ignoring him, it’s hard because I know he’s ill  , but believe it or not a little bit of reverse psychology works , if only for a few days I get my lovely hubby back xxx