Pelvic exenteration

  • 6 replies
  • 44 subscribers

Has anyone had one of these or know anyone who has? My husband had a full exenteration in January and is now facing complications with his bowel which have him back in hospital.  Would be interested to hear of the experiences of others.  This disease is so blinking scary. 

  • Hi and welcome to our community, though as ever sorry to hear about your husband.

    I had never heard of this surgery but it turns out someone in our has had the surgery so may be able to provide some information from the point of view of a patient. If you introduce yourself in that group you may find a more direct response.

    My wife's cancer is very different but life as a carer can indeed be really challenging, what helped me most was a living with less stress course that helped me enjoy the days I could but be prepared too for the days that were a bit harder.



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  • Thanks for the advice, Steve. I’ve joined the bowel cancer group and posted there as well. I wouldn’t have thought to do that. 

    very sorry to know that your wife is suffering, as I am sure you are alongside her. I wish her (and you) all the very best.

  • hi, my husband had this op 3 years ago, he too had complications resulting in an open wound and fluid in his pelvic cavity, he kept getting infections and had to have a pump. he had his thigh muscle removed 2 years ago and it was put into his pelvic cavity. it took time.. but the wound has now closed, and he has no more fluid build ups.... 3 years on he is still in a lot of pain due to the nerve damage, but he copes quite well. 

    never give up hope
  • Hi mandajayne, thanks so much for taking the time to reply to my message. I am so pleased to know that the operation was a success for your husband - surgeons really are amazing aren’t they. Really sorry to know he is suffering from the nerve pain - is physio helping at all? Can he expect it to improve any more? Do hope so. Pain can be so debilitating in itself. Unfortunately, despite the exenteration which my husband had in January, the cancer came back with a vengeance and we found out two weeks ago that there is nothing more that they can do for him.  We are both mid 40s and he has fought with so much grace and dignity throughout - my mission now is to deal with this horrific situation with as much grace as he has

  • oh im so sorry to hear this.. sending you love and strength.. yes the surgeons are fantastic.. my husband is 73 and has also lost a lung due to this awful disease.. so physio isnt an option. unfortunatley the pain is something he will have to endure. wishing you and your husband all the best, and i hope you can make more happy memories 

    never give up hope
  • Thank you so much for the kind words, it means a lot. Wishing you and your husband all the best too and many more years together. Do hope the pain eases for him or that someone may be able to find a decent form of pain relief for him. x