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Six years ago my husband was successfully treated for bladder cancer His bladder is all clear but he was diagnosed yesterday with cancer in his ureter The surgeons removed it but says his kidney function is too low for kidney and ureter removal altho he is having blood tests next  to see if the stent that was put in 2 weeks ago has improved things 

The surgeon is discussing things with the multi disciplinary team He says if cancer returns inside the ureter he will remove it again but once it comes on the outside there is no treatment 

I cant  get my head around it my husband is fit and well  and we thought as did the surgeon  that he had a stricture in the ureter It was a huge sho

I cant sleep my head is all over the place


  • Hi,

    Sorry to hear about your husband and the worry this has caused you. I recognize the issue in causing shock and the worry causing insomnia as I have been there. Of course this can easily create a feedback loop when we start worrying about not sleeping making everything seem worse still.

    As one point I asked my GP for something to help me get a good nights sleep and instead of pills he prescribed "eco-therapy" - my response was pretty much "Eh?" and he recommended going for a walk, preferably among trees and stop and listen to the sounds of nature around me. I gave it a shot and it did seem to help.

    Talking can really help too, as can e.g. posting on here so do feel free to share because we really all are in boats on the same sea.



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  • Thank you I've found some short meditations to listen to and I'm swapping my usual morning yoga practice to more gentle anxiety help It's pleasant here so I'm off for a walk with a neighbour Mr W is catching up with the Australian GP

    Love Wilbert