Carer for my husband

  • 1 reply
  • 45 subscribers

My husband was diagnosed with cirrhosis Jan 2021. Tests for a new liver found cancerous tumours in his bowel. My husband is not a talker and some days l find it very hard to cope. He has been given 1-3 years

  • Hi

    Sorry to hear about your husband, and totally get the times when it is very hard to cope - as everyone else on here pretty much has been there.

    If we look at Your feelings when someone has cancer we can see how many emotions we all are likely to go through. One of the things I have seen often on here too is how unreliable prognoses can be- they are at best guesses based on averages and never really met that average person.

    It might help you to look at - often people find talking difficult, not usually something we bring up over a coffee and I know how beneficial I found it to talk (and sometimes mostly cry) to complete strangers.Some of those old sayings "a friend in need is a friend indeed" and "a trouble shared" really took on a new meaning for me.



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