Feeling lost

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Last night at 7.30pm my beloved husband lost his fight. And fight he did, right to the very last breath. It was awful to see him yesterday morning in so much pain and hallucinating from the morphine. Fortunately once they were able to alter the medication in the syringe driver he became more settled and we sat holding his hands all day until the end. I know he is out of pain now but I also know he didn’t want to leave us despite us reassuring him that all was well. I am alone for the first time in 41 years and I miss him so much. The room is quiet without the sound of his breathing and the hum of the airflow mattress. God bless you my darling. Rest in peace xxxx

  • Carpetbagger , Could I offer my condolences at the loss of your beloved husband , although we know what the outcome is going to be ( my hubby of 45 years has terminal Renal caner) it must be so diffcult to comprehend we wont have them in our lives but know they  will always be in our hearts , It is plain to see from Your post the love you had for your husband,  I hope you have lots of support and love to get you through this sad time Broken heart

    Sending you hugs x

    1. So sorry to hear this. It made me feel very sad as I lost my Mum to cancer in 2015. Now my husband has incurable cancer and I know I have a difficult journey ahead. The pain you are now feeling is really hard to bear. I hope you will have a lot of love and support to help you get through it. 
  • This has resonated with me so much. My husband took his last breath at 12.10 last Tuesday and the silence was deafening. From the bustle of district nurses, palliative team and hospice at home carers popping in and out all day, and family congregating every evening to suddenly being the only person in the house. I know this is something I have to get used to, and despite offers from my children to stay with me, I have insisted on facing this obstacle head on. My husband used to work away a lot, this was something that I had got used to over the 38 years that we had been together, but for the last three years as he battled his illnesses - and he had two cancers, multiple myeloma and metastatic bowel cancer - we spent every moment of every day together. I promised him that I would be with him every step of the way and would hold his hand as he took his last breath.  I treasure that time, we rediscovered each other, and many beautiful new memories were created. He did not want to die - he was only 60 and had so many things he wanted to do. As a family we have lost a very special person. 

  • I’m so sorry for your loss too .I understand what you mean about facing it alone. Our children have been amazing but a part of me just wants to be alone with my thoughts and memories xx

  • I am so sorry for your loss....... my thoughts are with you xx

  • Hi Carpetbagger, I am so sorry for the loss of your husband RIP and the pain you are going through. I hope you will find strength to get you through this sad time. You will find some comfort knowing you were there with him to the end.

    My husband is also at the end of life. He is looked after at home and I dread when the time will come. 

    Thinking of you xx

  • Thank you. It is hard. Today the funeral director came to finalise the details and I wrote  his eulogy. I thought I was doing ok after the first few awful days but this has really opened up the wounds again. I’m so sorry that you are going through this too. Make every moment special even when you are at your wits end. Go into another room and take a deep breath. I’m so glad we were together at the end x