How can I support my mum and dad?

  • 2 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Hello everyone,

my mum was diagnosed with a stage 4 brain tumour and has had the usual chemo and radio, she’s so tired and I think mentally it’s taken it’s toll. My dad has recently retired and been thrown into his new carer role and I think his struggling to adapt. His trying to do everything and not accepting any help, is there such a think as a respite carer? I’m sitting with mum every chance I get to give dad some time off but it’s not enough. Mum is able to do her personal care  but has had a couple of fall when she was on her own which is why my dads so worried she’ll fall if he’s not there or mum will have a dizzy spell, he feel like he can’t leave her on her own. I want to support them as much as possible but just don’t know where to start. 

how can I support my dad in his new carer role which he didn’t realise he was going to be doing so soon? 

    • Hi Saddaughter,
    1. I instantly relate to your rather apt user name as above, given I am one of dads main carers. My dad has MDS (blood cancer), and I have to admit I try to do everything for Dad without asking anyone else for help. I personally feel this way because I love dad so so much and just feel I need to do everything that I possibly can in order to try and help. That said it certainly does take its toll upon my own health and well-being. I wish I could maybe offer you some advice surrounding your dads caring role but as I’m guilty of the same I don’t really know what to suggest. As you say you are sitting with your mum whenever you can so you are helping even though it may not always feel like it. Just keep offering to sit with your mum whenever it’s possible and keep reiterating to your dad that you would like to help in whatever way you can. The love we have for our parents is immeasurable and I appreciate such a diagnosis takes its toll upon all concerned. Always here to chat, sending loads of love hugs Nicola xx
  • Hi saddaughter,

    My heart goes out to you reading your story. It's definately a very difficult time for everyone especially dueing the adjustment. Like you said though its so important that neither of you get burnt out in the process of caring.

    I'm not sure where you are based but before my grandmother passed away (3 years ago) we paid for Macmillan nurses to come in and do cares for her in Bristol. Im pretty sure they can schedule what days/times too if you only want specific days. Not sure where you would find local information though. Either that or you might be able to see if a local caring company would come to the house?

    Best of luck with everything. Stay strong together as a unit and never forget what a wonderful job you and your dad are doing  xxx