Feeling abandoned and alone

  • 7 replies
  • 47 subscribers

My husband has lung cancer, there's only the two of us and we have lived quite a secluded life, so have no friends or family for support.  I did reach out to Macmillan but was pretty much told they were there to support the patient and only support carers with regards to caring for the patient, there doesn't seem to be any emotional support for the actual carer.  I know he's going to die, and have more or less come to terms with that, but I'm not really coping well in myself.  We have a mortgaged house which will become payable on his death with no insurance policy to pay it, so I will lose my home. There is no housing round here available.  We have no money coming in and no savings, we have been living hand to mouth for years only just managing to survive, we never seemed to quite fit into any category for assistance with anything.  We have lived quite a simple life really, 
Much as I love him and am doing everything I can to help and support him (alone), I am starting to feel resentment towards him for abandoning me, and I don't want to feel that way, but all I can see is the shit that I'm going to be left with when he's gone, and I don't see any point anymore.
Gp's have been  appallingly useless, we have had no contact with them at all, his diagnosis being originally from an A & E visit and they have locked themselves away in their practice since the start of covid and have become a local joke.  The hospitals havn't been great either, they just seem to botch everything, even The Christie (manchester cancer hospital) has been unhelpful and is nothing like the caring place it was years ago.  People are just all so horrible and uncaring within the health service these days.

  • It's a horrid time.... I can only think 24 hours ahead.... We have done wills etc but the darkness ahead  is so horrible... Do you have a citizens advise near you? Also Roy castle site very helpful..... 

  • Hi Cordelia.  You have my sympathy - I was in a similar situation 20 years ago when my first wife died from breast cancer.   We had an endowment mortgage that had flagged up as unlikely to repay the capital, with no life insurance cover, and I was left with £100k debt.   I found a financial advisor who sorted everything out for me, putting me on a repayment mortgage that I was able to repay a few years later.   There are always people and organisations out there that can help you, its just a case of finding them.  Now, 20 years on, I am in a similar situation with partner of four years diagnosed with colon and liver cancer.   Fortunately I am now retired and able to cope financially.   Things will get better for you - keep the faith x

  • Please investigate benefits .If you explain your situation to the benefits agency  someone will take you through the complicated forms  on the phone you maybe entitled to carers allowance. Attendance allowance etc. Speak to your mortgage company early you maybe able to refinance your house and this will help ..Each society has a mortgage advisor who you should be able to speak to them on the phone at the very least. 

    Citizens advice will also send useful information to you . I myself have not much faith in MacMillan who really only offer online support

  • FormerMember

    I’m a little disappointed Macmillan said they can’t help you.  Who takes care of carers, who in turn have to take care of the cancer patients? So far I’ve had tremendous support through this forum.  But I always assumed if I needed an ear they would be available.   I am raising money for Macmillan right now.  Now I’m thinking maybe I need to raise some money for an organisation that has counsellors available to cancer carers too.

  • My hubby was diagnosed with lung and liver cancer 6 months ago. He had his chemo but passed away last month. Is palletive care involved with you're hubby. They have been brilliant for me and hubby. They sorted macmillan grant and carers allowance. Macmillan has been great help for me. When he was having chemo at Barts hospital I would pop into "Maggie" and chat to others. Try and Co tact McMillan again. 

  • Cordelia  If you attend the Christies there is a Maggies center facing the Christies on Wilmslow rd I believe they are really helpful to both patient and carer and can advise you of any benefits you are both entitled to. 

    Take care x

  • Thank you all for responding, I have read all your replies, and have looked into a couple of things.  Citizens advice had already sorted out a disability claim for my husband but were were told we had to do the carers allowance ourselves, which is now done and waiting.  There is nothing that can be done about the house, I am not in a position to take on a mortgage and its way too late to change it to repayment now, so no better off there and still no idea whats going to happen to me.  I have tried to be put on the council list but they refused and wont do anything until I am actually homeless and have already lost everything..  It's a worry I just don't need at the moment!.  We have also just received the macmillan grant, which should help with travel costs a little.  Short term we are managing ok for now.