Feeling lost!

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Hi, yesterday we were given the news that my mum has stage 4 small cell lung cancer. It is apparently very advanced and has spread to her lymph nodes and her kidney. She will not be receiving any treatment other than pain management. This is very sudden and unexpected news for us all. A month ago she was a fiercely independent, strong willed woman who lived alone, walked her dog every day, cooked, knitted, read 10 books a week and did crossword puzzles every day. But in the last 3 weeks she has turned into a frail wee old wifie, who barely eats or drinks, sleeps up to 16 hours some days, can't walk her dog and merely shuffles from bed to an armchair and back again. 

I am a childminder so am working from home, my husband works offshore. We would like mum to come and stay with us and she is actually strangely amenable to this idea, given her independence.

Does anyone have any advice about what to expect, if this is actually realistic to think she can be home with us, what she might need, what support she will get etc etc.

Feeling very lost and overwhelmed at the moment Disappointed