Colon cancer

  • 2 replies
  • 44 subscribers

Dad's 88, just had biopsy in colon. Waiting for result but surgeon who did the colonoscopy seems to think its malignant. CT scan then surgery if it's nowhere else. At this age, what's the future scenario in terms of survival rates? Mum has alzheimers to boot. Anyone have the same or similar experience?

  • Hi

    So sorry you have this worry about your father especially with the issues around your mum too. It does seem life likes to kick us when we are down.

    There are pages available that will give averages - based of course on past data and treatments are generally improving all the time. Of course that does not really say anything meaningful about what would happen to your dad since everyone is different.

    Often we find this stage of the process actually one of the most challenging of all. When my wife was diagnosed with a totally different type of cancer she was clear she did not want a prognosis and of course an issue can be we could not unlearn the information once it has been given.

    One thing I had to learn was to remember to look after myself too - it was hard and sometimes felt selfish but I need to be on top form when the next kick in the teeth comes. The living with less stress course was very helpful to me in managing this.



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    Hi Lagio you may have more news by now.  If it’s cancer they will need to do more scans to see if it has spread.  If it hasn’t spread, Colon cancer is usually very treatable with excellent prognosis.  Of course at 88 it will depend on how healthy he is otherwise and if he can tolerate surgery and other treatments.  If it has spread there is still excellent reason for hope.  My husband has stage 4 having spread to other organs and the doctors have given him a 50/50 chance of long-term survival and even in the worst case have given him several years.  So there’s very good reason for hope.  I recommend someone goes with him to appointments and writes everything down.  Cancer is very confusing.  Best wishes.