My dad

  • 6 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Hi there, 

This isn’t something I’d ever thought I’d be doing! My dad was diagnosed with incurable cancer of his lymph nodes on the 18th January and it’s awful to see. Over the last couple of weeks he’s started to go down hill and it’s really starting to affect me. He’s becoming more angry over the slightest thing, he isn’t eating much anymore and the amount of weight he’s lost is heartbreaking I’m a young person and I don’t have any other support so I’ve been recommended this support group. He’s got an appointment on Tuesday with his doctor and then we’ll find out more about this awful disease, thank you for listening! 

    1. Hi. I am so sorry to hear your news. It must be so heartbreaking for you. My husband was diagnosed with kidney cancer few months ago and it was like a kick in the teeth and it was so hard to deal with and he can be really moody and stressed and snaps all the time now which he never did and it is hard being on that end of it but keep strong and hopefully when u find out more on monday might help as not knowing is just so hard. Also it is so hard seeing someone you love suffer and please take care of yourself also. I joined this group a few weeks ago and everyone has been so kind and caring and so helpful. Sorry again u are dealing with this and keep talking to people and keep strong. Best wishes. 
  • I’m so sorry to hear about your husband, it’s so heartbreaking to see those who you love suffering and there’s nothing you can do for them apart from being there and to support them. My dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer back in 2014 and he was given the all clear but now we’ve been given this news it’s a massive kick in the teeth! I’ve only been on this group a couple of hours but everyone seems so lovely and helpful! I wish you and husband all of the love in the word, keep strong! 

  • Keep talking to everyone on here as we are all having the same feelings and pain of seeing a loved one suffer. If we can be of comfort and support to each other in this time is a blessing as we all need a shoulder to cry on or an ear to listen as we all know what it is like to be dealing with cancer.  Sending love and wishes to u both and always here to chat 

  • Hi Teddy01, I can identify with your frustration and helplessness, I feel the same, it's like trying to run in treacle I keep getting stuck with my emotions and I keep going around and around and getting nowhere. I just wish there was something I could do to make a difference in my wife's situation. We will be going up to the hospital on Monday to see how many radiation treatments she will have for her Kidney cancer, I just hope and pray the treatments will work. I wish you all the best with your situation, ask the hospital social worker about support for you. 

  • Hi Zap,  I’m so sorry to hear about your wife. It’s heartbreaking knowing there’s nothing we can do for our loved ones apart from being there for them. I’ll be thinking of you both on Monday, sending love to you both! Here if you need to talk.