
  • 16 replies
  • 52 subscribers

Hi everyone I am absolutely heartbroken as we found out on Friday there is nothing more for my dear husband. We have been told we can expect a few months. We had plans after chemo to see family and go on trips but that has now stopped and he is very weak and tired. Therefore we will enjoy every precious minute we have left, enjoying the simple things and as much time with family as we can.

I feel absolutely bereft but know I can't ruin the time we have. I never imagined this time would come as quickly as it has. I can't imagine my life without my absolute soul mate and best friend and struggle to deal with how this cruel disease is ravaging my once energetic, mischievous,  life loving man.

Hug those you love and be kind always... I might be that person in the supermarket who can't control my tears.

S x

  • Oh Sazzi, I'm so sorry to read this.  Sending you both a huge hug. It's too cruel.

    Remember if you feel you need to talk to someone that there's always someone around in this group or you can reach out through the helpline. The telephone number is below.

    Also remember its the most resilient people who show their emotions so don't be too hard on yourself. This is an emotional rollercoaster ride and all these emotions are natural. 

    Stay strong. Stay positive. Sending healing love and light and hugs

    Wee Me xx

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you Wee Me and also for all your uplifting and considered messages to everyone on here. Xx

  • FormerMember

    So so sorry to hear your news.  I know exactly what you mean by that person in the supermarket that can’t control their tears.  It’s so hard.  I think we are about to get the same.  Do contact hospice as they are very helpful in sorting out feelings and how you want to live your remaining time with him.  But everything I’m saying sounds so trite against the enormity of what you’re facing.  So here’s a big hug.

  • OH NO!!

    So heartbreakingly sad. We all get it and in some ways this is the only place where I can turn where I know there are people who know exactly how I feel. As I type this I am listening to my husband moaning in pain. He's off to the hospice tomorrow morning so here's hoping they manage to get his pain under control. He isn't the man I know either much of the time now. Your description was lovely. 

    Please take these messages with the love and respect they are written with. 

    Hang in there- we're listening when you want us. 

    Love, T.

  • Hi Sazzi, i am so sorry to hear about your husband’s prognosis, i can’t begin to imagine how you must be feeling. I want to send you a virtual hug. i can only begin to imagine how it must feel to consider the loss of my husband. i am currently looking after my sister. She has been battling breast cancer for 11 years, and did have a period of ‘all clear’ before she developed secondary breast cancer 5 years ago in her lung. She was told it was long term treatable but not cureable. 3 weeks ago we discovered it had spread to her bones and liver and they said we maybe had about 4 weeks with her. i am devastated, we moved her back up north to be around family to care for her. seeing her deteriorating is just devastating. life at times is so cruel, so hard and scary. i send you love that you can make some precious memories with your husband. take care xxxx

  • Hi Sazzi

    So so sorry for you ......I just cannot imagine how you are feeling. I hope the caring words from others have in some way helped you

    Life is such a bitch....... unfair.....  all plans just tossed aside

    You will find the strength to cope for your husbands sake but I to am sending a virtual hug..... 

    knowing we all care on here might just help you a little to get through this devastating time

    Take care


  • oh Sazzi, how heartbreaking, i am so sorry that this is happening for you all, sending love. Do reach out for support when you need it Cry x

  • Oh Sazzi, 

    I'm right with you too. My partner only has months probably,  it's so hard and heartbreaking. We too were hoping to "get over" the latest chemo and do some things. We still have little things left over in the diary like a couple of gigs (he's a musician) but I really don't know if we'll be able to make them. He's super tired all the time and while he's determined to maintain his sense of humour and continue to do the things he loves for as long as he can (spending time with his little boy, making music, playing dungeons and dragons and seeing family :)) it's so so hard. I find myself trying to do 'normal' things then catching myself with the horrendous reality that he likely won't be here much longer. It seems unfathomable and I'm so sad and scared. When we found out I just couldn't imagine how people go on with life with such heartbreak. But I suppose they must do. I'm really glad to have a safe space to talk with people who understand. I'm so sorry for your situation Sazzi, if you ever want to reach out personally please do (I promise I can be positive and supportive too) treasure the time you have and that at least we get to say goodbye xx