Struggling what to say

  • 2 replies
  • 41 subscribers

Hello, this is my first time here. My cousin has had ovarian cancer stage 4 for 5 years. She has been amazing and has survived longer than she first thought. I still believe a miracle will come through. Sadly, 2 weeks ago she was taken into a hospice. We used to talk all the time on video call but now I don’t know what to say. I am scared of saying something wrong. I don’t know if I should ask ‘how are you’ is that insensitive? Should I talk about my day/week? I have only been messaging that I’m thinking of her and hope she is comfortable. When we do manage a video call she is struggling with her breathing and very tearful. I can’t imagine how scared she must be. She was 45 at diagnosis. We are the same age and she is the most remarkable lady. She has a rock of a husband so I know she is being loved and well looked after. Any advice would be very much appreciated.

  • Hi

    Sorry to read about your cousin but well done for finding us to talk to. I am sure it will be a comfort to her to see your text messages to know you are thinking of her.

    One thing some people do it work on a memory box, it can be really helpful in looking at the happy moments. In terms of talking often it is best to follow their lead - though if they are struggling with breathing then I guess there might be quite a lot of silence and that can feel awkward.



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    • I think she would want to videocall and it may seem hard if she is tearful, but sometimes the best gift you can give is to allow people to cry if they need to without trying to stop them or even reassure them it will be ok when it won’t.  I would follow her lead and ask her how you can help and if there’s anything you can do.  Sympathise and be there for her.  The hospice will also have excellent advice- both in general and for her specifically so do ask them.