Radio chemotherapy

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  • 43 subscribers

My partner has bowel cancer with met in liver. She has had 4 sessions of chemo which she managed well. Last Monday she finished 25 sessions of radiohemotherapy. We where warned things might get worse before improving but I wasn’t prepared for how poorly she was going to feel. In all her treatment up to now she hasn’t looked poorly but in the last week she has looked shocking. Her fatigue levels have rocketed not helped by a level of insomnia. I am worried sick that it might be the cancer getting worse. 

  • Is she  on steroids ? They can cause the side effects you mention  Also the double whammy of chemo and radiotheraphy can cause a lot of physical side effects for quite some time after the treatment has finished. When my husband Bill went thru treatment we found it helpful to keep a daily journal of any side effects that occurred .It helps identify anything  that the oncology team may need to know  . It is quite normal to be quite debiltated by these treatments and if you noticed any new symptons or have a gut feeling things arnt right then contact the g.p or hospital team looking after her. I hope she picks up its a bit of a rollercoaster ride we are on a downward slide at the moment .Keep posting we are here for you xx

    Granny Sue