Pain Management

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  • 44 subscribers

Hi All

My hubby has terminal oesophageal cancer he's not currently having any treatment as his body needed a rest. Following a chest infection a few weeks ago hes struggling terribly with pain and random vomiting  (he has 2 tumours and 2 stents so he can eat without feed tubes) The problem now is he is in constant pain and he can take pain but its killing me watching the thing is im not sure who is responsible for his pain management. His oncologist prescribed a couple of months ago oramorphe 4 spoons a day and paracetamol. The problem is this is not even touching the pain anymore and Im not sure who to call.

Appreciate any advice


  • Hi Carol sorry to hear this my husband Bills primary was oesphageal he had oesphagectomy then had reoccurence on diaphragm followed by brain met which was treated and then had a reoccurence of brain met .He is now under the pallitive team at the local hospice where he acesses day services once a week .He has been seen by a docter there for pain issues and I wonder if your husband has been referred to your local hospice or community palliative team .If not then your G .P can arrange this and get the support you both need .Hope this is helpful and you get some help . Bill gets a lot of chest infections .He has had 3 since May. And currently has one and also shingles ! .Its a roller coaster ride isnt it .Good luck and lots of hugs xx

    Granny Sue