Supporting husband

  • 3 replies
  • 43 subscribers

thank you for the welcomes I have received. Bit confused about which group I should use but I’m sure it will get more familiar. Husband recently had kidney and tumour removed   Now told he has tumours in his colon which are ‘aggressive ‘ don’t know what that means. Waiting on scan and then chemotherapy. The waiting is awful. Feel stuck not able to plan anything. He is very depressed and convinced he is not going to get any better. Trying to keep him positive. Any shared experience would be appreciated. I also need to think about our dogs as they are not getting the exercise they need as he was doing all that. Everything changes. 

  • Hi Owl58,Uw

    Use whichever  group feels most appropriate for whatever u want to say/ask. in sorry to hear your husband is, getting depressed bout all this. We all on this site know how waiting is the pits. Once he has a  treatment plan in place and knows what's going to happen, he will no doubt feel better. Has he got a date for his scan yet?

    "Agressive" tumours tend to grow more quickly. However, kidney cancer on the whole  is known to be " indolent ie  slow growing..

     Btw, do am u have any friends/ relatives with  dogs who could walk yours for u ? That'd b one practical thing sorted, if so. 

    If you copy n paste your post into the Kidney cancer group ( once you've joined it), I think folk will confirm what I've said

    Best wishes Sue 

    Fear of the unknown is the worst thing. Once we know what we're facing, we find the strength to deal with it.
  • Thanks will do. Nurse rang last night to say scan should be next week and chemo 6 to 8 weeks after that. If we haven’t heard anything we are to chase them up. Have just engaged dog walker but will need to plan longer term solution. Your experience gives me a better perspective. Really appreciate this 

  • FormerMember


    I see that you are unsure which groups to join I would think that the first place to join would be our Kidney cancer forum group then the Bowel (colon and rectal) cancer forum group. To join these groups click on the green links that I've created and when the groups home page opens up click on Join this Group which will enable you to start new discussions. As time goes on we'll introduce you other groups if your situation changes, but that's for another day

    The advantage of joining condition specific groups is that you will hook up with other members who are in the same position as yourself and you can ask questions to people who will probably have the answer and will give you help, advice and support, all the members are extremely friendly and will share their experiences freely with you, however if you want to discuss and ask about anything to do with caring this is the group to keep coming back to but as it's set up as a safe place to carers only to come to, any question you post about kidney or bowel may go unanswered unless another carer can answer.

    Come along and join us in the kidney and bowel group and find out first hand how friendly everyone is.

    I hope hubby gets on well with his scan, the waiting for treatment can be sole destroying and very frustrating but it will come along before you know it and maybe it will help your husband out of his depression and give him hope for the future.

    But as the carer to your husband it is imperative that you take care of yourself, I know it is hard to do and you don't like to do it and leave your husband at home but if you can try and have some ME time every day  great if you can get out somewhere but if not 10 - 15 alone in another room with a coffee and a book will give you to the energy to carry on, I'm sure your husband will understand.

    I hope your long term solution for the dogs is nothing too drastic.

    Keep in touch, you are more than welcome to come here for a rant or rave, let off steam (who doesn't need to do that at sometime) or just for a chat the doors always open just come on in anytime you're passing.

    See you soon
