Flu Jab

  • 1 reply
  • 39 subscribers

Hi all

One of my champion colleagues posted in one of his groups about having the flu job and I thought I would bring the information to the Carers group.

As unpaid carers you should contact your GP surgery and book yourself in for yours.

You don't have to live with the person you care for but think of implications if you were to go down with flu who would look after the person you care for, when you contact your GP surgery make sure that they registered you as being a carer, some GP practices give special consideration to carers with regard to appointments etc.

Instead of listing the criteria and eligibility for each country of the UK  I have collected the following links for you which gives you further information, such as the health conditions that qualify you for a free jab, can be found here: 

The NHS website if you live in England.

The NHS Direct Wales website.

The NHS Inform website if you live in Scotland. (as usual Scotland has a different website layout to the rest of the UK and needs a bit of navigation - if you need help let me know and I'll get it to it a different way)

The flu vaccination page on NI Direct if you live in Northern Ireland.

It's only a little prick, it takes 2 minutes and it lasts a year.


By clicking on any of the green text above will open up new pages for you.

  • FormerMember

    Following on from the above post of last night it should also be noted

    "The immune response to vaccination takes about two weeks to develop."

    According to NHS - ENGLAND 
