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Just wondered if anyone else finds themselves swearing more than they used to, it just keeps slipping out. These are not my finest hours

  • FormerMember


    I wouldn't worry about it, I think we've all let the occasional one or two slip out now and then.

    Experts say that the brain links obscenities with emotion. When you are able to express your emotions, you are able to cope with them better and brings a closer connection to other people, which also relieves stress, especially in the situation we find ourselves in.

    When you think about it people like Billy Connolly and Jim Davison made a very good living for themselves by standing up in front of a crowd of people and using amongst others the F word and making them laugh and laughter relieves stress.

    I take it you're not swearing at your partner but just out of pure frustration

    Always remember Not in front of the children they might just teach you a word or two.

    Have a stress free day!


  •  Thankyou, no am not swearing at partner or in front of children, but if I don't regn it in I might let one slip out when they are around. Its scary how it escalates. Every day there is something new to deal with and the irritating things just take on ginormous proportions in my brain. Will try to just let it go. Xx

    Love is eternal
  • Too blinking right I am swearing more - frustration, anger, everything.......annoyance at a curtain not closing, even the dishwasher comes in for some verbal. Takes so much more energy to be polite to people.  I have to make space to be short tempered, bad tempered and then be polite when needed. I think, for me, it is mainly being frightened, but then having to get through day to day when even the tiniest thing seems like a complete wind up. A few weeks back  I had a near punch up in the garden centre with a pensioner who blamed me for his bad parking. Really find I have to rein myself in. 

    How are you doing having told your boss to F Off ? 

  • Hi there, thankyou for replying and making me feel normal, well I guess we are fairly normalish!. Didn't see boss for a couple of weeks but when he did come in he didn't say anything. I thought he was going to corner me when he followed me into the office away from customers, but no, nothing. Very strange. I was surprised how calm. I felt, whether he picked up on the fact that I wasn't scared so he decided not to bother I don't know. I am just contemplating telling work I won't be in for the foreseeable, partner said to go to work but the days end up being nearly 11 hours. I think I wouldn't like being alone for that time. The children are all working, he feels giddy, there is no one to check on him and really is it fair to expect someone to. Apart from children I have no family or really good friends I could rely on. Now that he can't drive and I don't drive it will cost me £14 a day to get to and from work, the bus service 9s diabolical. I know exactly what you mean about things seeming a wind up, its asif everything is out to get you. Hope that you are  coping and things are not too bad., love pam x

    Love is eternal