Some. Information at last

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  • 44 subscribers

On Friday I phoned our Gp to say partners deterioration was escalating, he had problems getting upstairs and despite a course of steroids he is now only taking a couple of mouthfulls of food a day and refusing all his supplements. A district nurse came out and took bloods and a urine sample. He has commenced antibiotics as a dip test indicated a urine infection. The lovely GP phoned at 4pm to say his bloods were OK, not requiring any action, not even showing signs of dehydration! I couldn't believe he isn't dehydrated as the onlu fluids he takes are a few mouthfulls with his medication. She was kind enough to spend time telling me that my partner will not improve, his resistance to food is something seem quite often in cancer patients who have advanced cancer and this is how he is presenting. Tube feeding would not be helpful or appropriate and to phone whenever I feel something new has occurred or when I need help she will make sure the palliative care team become more involved. Hopefully the scan on Monday and appointment on the 19th will provide answers. I feel bad to admit that I feel so relieved that I now know there is nothing more that can be done and that they are aware of how ill he is. I have been  constantly wondering what else I could do to help, it's exhausting trying to get him to eat. I know that others have told me  you cannot make someone eat, but the reality of watching them starve is so difficult. I don't want to loose him but I thank the doctor so much for being able to put into words and confirm what I am seeing

  • Bless you Pam and your lovely husband we are all behind you and are here for you whatever is to come .Sometimes accepting things is the hardest thing to do but it is also a relief in a funny sort of way .I think we always think we can do more or there is something else that can be done and sometimes there just isnt .You have come across as a warm and compassionate person and your husband will be well looked after by you and the palliative team .You look after yourself lots of hugs x 

    Granny Sue

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Granny Sue

    Hi Pam

    Just like to echo the words of and to say it's nice that your GP took the trouble to explain everything to you and to put into words exactly what you are seeing. 

    Please look after yourself and if possible have some ME time, do you have help in looking after your husband even if it is just sitting with him whilst you go somewhere to switch off you're not deserting him you're recharging your batteries ready to face the next challenge.

    Did the GP suggest that she prescribed some of the foam lollipops that you get in hospital that you could put some in a glass of water and your husband could suck them or rub round his gums to get some fluids or just moisten his lips.

    You know we are always here for you whenever you need to chat.

    Keep strong
