
  • 3 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Hi all.. new to group . Struggling to deal with everything at the moment .. husband has stage 4 nsclc , had one chemo and immunotherapy .. second one been delayed due to blood test results.. 

we have a young daughter and I just feel like I am struggling to deal with it all.. I am currently signed off as it’s all still quite new to us.. work are very supportive .. first time posting not really sure what to say but after a particularly hard day just thought I would join the community and post.. thanks all

  • Hello Issy40, so sorry to read of your husbands diagnosis. It's no wonder you are struggling to deal with it all, your families life like you knew it has been turned upside down. It's good you are taking some time off work and that you have a supportive workplace. I have been on this journey with my husband for over 2 years now,  we have 3 chikdren 2 under 10. On diagnosis he was given the incurable prognosis, we have had many ups and downs on this journey, we are currently enjoying an up. My husband has now been stable for 9 months due to receiving immunonotherapy a few months ater finishing his chemo. He has exceeded medical expectations. We were told yesterday he will get to enjoy another Christmas. For the last two Christmas' we have thought it would be his last. I hope tomorrow is a better day for you and you and your family have your own 'up soon. Let us know how his treatment progresses, immunotherapy worked wonders for my husband. Take care x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Sunflowers15

    Thank you Sunflowers15 for your reply.. did your husband have the right markers for immunotherapy? We have been told not but they are trying it anyway.. thanks x

  • Hi Issy40, Oncolcogist had to fight to get husband the immunotherapy as technically he is a CUP patient, cancer unknown primary. The suspicion is the cancer started in the head and neck area due to its spread, thankfully the immunotherapy (as far as I'm aware) had just been sanctioned for appropriate patients with head and neck a few months prior to him receiving it. I'm assuming he had the right markers as I'm sure he wouldn't of got it otherwise due to the fight the oncologist had to get it for him in the first place. It worked brilliantly on his cancer and he was allowed it for 2 years dependant on factors such as toxicology and growth. Unfortunately it got stopped after 9 months last Dec due to very rare side effects which left him with diabetes type 1. However he does not regret having it as he wouldn't be here without it. Things were very bleak during the time between finishing chemo and starting the immunotherapy. Regardless of the markers I can't see them sanctioning it for your husband unless they thought it had a good chance of working. I sincerely wish him and you the best of luck. Please let us know how he gets on.