4 weeks post oesophagectomy

  • 4 replies
  • 44 subscribers


My hubby had an oesophagectomy 4 weeks ago and I’m struggling to support him in eating the 6 small meals that is recommended.

Today I feel exhausted by all the worry, support & care I’m trying to give him. 

Has anyone out there got any tips in helping me to cope?

Many thanks

  • Hello Suzy my husband had an oesphagectomy 3 and a half years ago .To be fair he never managed the 6 small meals rebelling against it I guess .If you go onto the gullet cancer group they will be really helpful nice bunch on there  Basically you need to get a lot more calories unto him without huge meals .Is he still on a purree diet or can he manage small meals ? Some tips are plenty of cream butter added to everything full fat milk icecream smooth peanut butter plenty of protein eggs .We were told not to worry about veg but to take vitamin supplements .Ready brek anything that adds calories and lots of protein to aid healing .Its a major op and life changing most people adapt really well but it takes time . The opa  is the oesphagectomy patients support group get in cintact with them .They have groups all over the country and lots of practical advice .I wish you luck keep posting on here we will help you .If you click on my name you will see my profile it charts Bills journey lots of hugs xx

    Granny Sue

  • FormerMember

    Hi Suzy

    A warm welcome to the online community a place you don't want to be but it is the place where everything you say and everything you are going through is thoroughly understood by everyone on here and we want you to know that we are here for you to answer questions and give help, support and advice.

    But what else can you do here, a lot this is a safe place to come on to have a rant or rave, let off steam or simply come on to have a chat whatever you do on this carers only group you are assured that you are only speaking with other carers and we will not judge you.

    But you came on here to ask how do you cope I'm afraid it's a matter of juggling everything around and still look after your husband, but to help you cope you must have some ME time if not every day try for every other day, it could be some window shopping, coffee, drinks or lunch with the girls and relax and think You for a while make it leisurely you'll be surprised how things will look when you get back, husband will still need feeding, breakfast dishes still in the sink, floors still need vacuumed but you'll feel refreshed and maybe less exhausted and tired. To be blunt, very sorry, if your exhaustion and tiredness makes you ill who will look after you, so please take it easy, you probably know it makes sense put yourself first for a while and if you need to rest during the day just do it you know you need to and deserve it and that's how I think you'll start to cope.

    I wasn't too sure if you were looking for food ideas to try and get hubby to eat although as it's only 4 weeks it may take another 2 weeks for him to start eating a bit, all you can do is ask if there's anything he fancies and make it for him if you've the necessary items in the house. If he's not eating is he still keeping his fluid levels up by drinking, it doesn't matter what he drinks but if he can take milk that would a start as you can add things to it.keeping his fluid levels up will stop him becoming dehydrated and getting other problems.

    I do hope that the hospital gave you a good soft food diet ideas that you can follow and is suitable for people after having an oesophagectomy.

    I have some soft food idea sheets that I could send over to you if you want just let me know.

    Remember to cope with looking after your husband you must look after YOU and don't hesitate to have that rest in the afternoon it really will help as will escaping to meet up with the girls.

    Keep in touch come and have a chat at anytime we'll be looking out for you.


  • Dear Ian 

    Many thanks for your thoughtful & supportive email. It is good to know that there is a community out there that completely understands what I’m going through.

    I will definitely take on board your advice about organising some ME time. 

    With thanks & best wishes 

  • Many thanks Granny Sue

    Its lovely to find someone who has gone through what I am experiencing now.

    Thank you for all your supportive, helpful advice & information.  I will go now & read Bill’s journey.....
