Feeling Completely Helpless

  • 19 replies
  • 46 subscribers

My wife of 25yrs has Advanced SCLC. We were sat together last night crying our eyes out as she has admitted after 5 months that this Cancer is going to beat her. She is down because her voice is affected and her swallowing of food starts pain in her lung and back. She refuses the Oramorph and I then have to watch her writhing in pain. She refuses when i suggest a Doctor and I just feel HELPLESS!

Anyone else have this?

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Sorry Billy, I just read one of your replies to someone else and see your wife is struggling and cant have any solid food at all. Im so sorry I didn't see that first before replying, I do hope you manage to get some sort of help. Its so hard isn't it.

  • FormerMember

    Hello Billy the dog (love the name) my mum is in a similar situation regarding not being able to swallow food easily. It will also not help if your wife is in a lot of pain and I'm completely stunned that no one from her medical team is controlling that. There are all sorts of different pain relief meds that can be prescribed so keep pushing and certainly get either the gp (maybe a different one from your practice) or someone from hospice or there must be a way you can self refer. My mum although does take oramorph has patches of different doses that are from the same drug family and that has been a big help with her pain.

    As for food just try anything, rice pudding, jellies, custard, ice lollies, soft fruit and just see what works for your wife. Just can't understand why the gp etc are not controlling your wife's pain, just ludicrous! Best of luck xx

  • Dear Catcrazy4, Thank you for the idea of Pain Patches. I will get hold of the Hospice and ask for some. They have been a Godsend. They are Angels, it is my wife who is the stubborn one. They have offered everything and still my wife refuses. We have her on M.I.T.(slow release morphine) in 10mg doses twice a day and Mirtazapine once a day. She refuses everything else but as this disease is progressing it is becoming harder to control the pain with just these drugs. Her mother passed from cancer and several of her siblings. So Oramorph stays in the cupboard, un-opened. My wife has a complete Paddy if the doctor is contacted and there is hell for days. 

    The eating is a problem because the Hospital done 2 Bronchoscopy's to get a biopsy and damaged the esophagus so most food gets stuck, then we have a choking episode. She has lost 2 1/2 stone in 3 months and no one cares. The oncologist says see the GP the GP says ask the oncologist. 

    I will certainly ask about the patches though.

    Thank you again and God Bless your Mom.

    Look after her and dont forget yourself.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Billythedog

    Hello Billy the dog,

    Hope the hospice can help with the pain relief patches. Have to say it was our fantastic gp that first suggested it when mum was finding it difficult to swallow the amount of tablets she needed to control her pain. Apparently there are all sorts even some small ones that sit behind the ear!!

    What I have found is that mum was the same as your wife when it came to taking oramorph. Part of it is refusal to accept that they need it, it's like giving in to the disease but we first used it to help calm mum's breathing and she experienced the benefit so accepts it more readily now. Maybe your wife needs to get to that realisation before she'll accept it. I've heard the nurses say the same thing with other patients so stick with it. Mums bottle of oramorph sat unopened for nearly a year so don't give up!

    I'm doing my best to look after mum and being human I don't always get it quite right but she knows her comfort and being pain free is my priority so, thanks for your kind words and good wishes and i am trying to look after me too with some success. Keep us updated on the pain relief patch progress!

  • Catcrazy, we have the M.I.T (slow release morphine) which helps slightly but it is just becoming inadequate now. Our New GP is passing the buck,saying its upto the oncologist then its batted back the other way. The Hospice are the angels. Our angel is back off annual leave Wednesday so I will certainly get hold of her. 

    I also need to inform her about the New case of Vomiting which has started so fingers crossed.

    You keep on dancing like a Mad One. Its ok no one will mind

    God Bless


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Billythedog

    Oooo, I could just hug you to bits!! Hope the Hospice angel can help. My hospice angel came to my rescue last week, have had an awful few days (and nights) as mum has been in such a poorly state but I just keep going but its tough to watch her in such discomfort xx

  • Catcrazy are you talking to me or your cat?? The angels are back today and I WILL be hassling her. The vomiting has stopped for now and its a visit to the Oncologist tomorrow. He is as much good as an Ashtray on a Motorbike!

    You just keep doing what you are doing and be strong

    God Bless

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Billythedog

    Billythedog, yes I was talking to you but I can easily share the hugs with my 4 catsCat2CatCat2Cat

    And ditto to your last sentence, hope angels help and oncologist puts his brain in xx

  • Thanks Bab. 

    God Bless