Tired of feeling alone

  • 12 replies
  • 40 subscribers

Not REALLY alone, it just feels that way.......

Anger flares up out of nowhere and I feel ashamed of how I've treated someone. Grief wells up and engulfs me. Utter helplessness at not being able to meet any of his needs. The gut wrenching pain of watching him suffer.

And the very well intentioned reactions of others leave me feeling like a visitor from another planet.

Torn between wanting to reach out to others for support and wanting to throw a circle of protection around the two of us and tell everyone to f*** o**!

Anyone else here from my planet?

I know there are. Love, blessings and courage to you all. X

  • Thank you for your beautiful reply, and what a fine, wonderful family you have. You have both been fighting this disease for a lot  longer than us and I salute you. Will try to keep upbeat, everyday is different regarding mood swings so don't worry about me. Just knowing theat this forum is here is such a relief. Wishing you all good things xx

    Love is eternal
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Needing friends

    Wishing you all good things too xxx