We all get good as well as bad news, let's just post the news here....

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  • 11 subscribers
All of us on here get both good and bad news, i wanted to start a thread for all types of news, for everyone to post their news.....
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to moomy

    Dear Helen - will put my thinking head on and think of something for you.....but for starters how about a modern children's book that I love and used to read to my now very grown up 'girl-power is all' nieces..... 'Princess Smartypants'..... can't remember the author - but I do remember laughing a lot at the motorbike riding Princess...........Are you making a sackful of pressies to be opened one a day??

    Feeling scared is OK - Caz is taking a step into the unknown - a new and very different route to the one she has been used to....... I'm sure she will be able to take it all in her stride (or maybe just tiny baby steps?)  and with you at her side I feel she will do well!!!!

    Love and strengthening (((hugs))) to you both - and to your menfolk too

    Dot xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • What a good idea, Dot, will be thinking of lots of easy listening stuff, so any classic or great books for me to read to her will be great, already planning for the classic Winnie the Pooh! 

    I totally understand her feeling scared, she was so very ill last time she went through all this, even though she had someone with her all the time it was hard. I think now they are much better at handling nausea though, and she didn't own up to feeling so awful early enough either. 

    big hugs to you all


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to moomy

    Funny that - someone close to me doesn't like to 'cause bother' by admitting to unwellness....... says he doesn't want to be seen as attention-seeking!!!!  But if he don't shout up how can he be helped??     gggrrrrrrrrrrrr..............

    Other than music what sort of things does Caz like to do?  does she have any hobbies??  Has she considered writing about her life?  There is a lot of hope in her story as well as all the people she's worked with and places she's been..........A dictaphone might be useful??

  • Great ideas, Dot, but I kind of imagine she'll not feel well enough for that, certainly to start with, judging by how she was before, she just wanted to sleep all the illness away. Also, her concentration will be poor, I already know that as it was the same as before. The transplant process is exhausting, they last time said it was like a big major operation, this time I guess it will be easily as bad. 

    We now have a big assorted list of stuff in book and CD audio book form, ready to be sent from Amazon (how did we ever manage without!?) and as that is just down the road near Junction 13 of the M1 it won't be long coming! And Princess Smartypants is one of them! Hubs found some Johnny Morris stuff that is like we had years ago on tape, the kids always giggled at them. Also 'Simples' book and audio book, they seem to have taken off, haha! 

    I also did a hunt for 'Albert the Dragon' as my nephews absolutely loved that when I read to them, but it is out of print and any copies linked to Amazon are high priced, folk know they can charge whet they like for out of print books! Ah well.....

    love and hugs to all


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to moomy

    Apologies dear Helen, no brain cells at the moment.


    Love Maryxxxxxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Helen there is a book called Albert and the dragon available on Play.com, don't know if it's the same one or not xx

  • Will check it out, mind you, it was a good few years back, but it was Albert the Dragon.......! xxxxxxxxxxxx


  • ahhhh! that is so sweet, but not the book, Sue.......wish I'd kept it out of the library! Oooops, don't really mean that, lol! 

    love and hugs 


  • Written by Rosemary Weir, illustrated by Quentin Blake, that's the book.....she wrote a few but they are all out of print. 
