We all get good as well as bad news, let's just post the news here....

  • 5022 replies
  • 11 subscribers
All of us on here get both good and bad news, i wanted to start a thread for all types of news, for everyone to post their news.....
  • It sounds like a good night was had 'oop north', a hang over was reported! Daft lass! 

    love and hugs to all


  • It was wine, she wasn't really that bad, but she normally doesn't drink wine, being a Guinness lover.......treatment day today.

    Also it's hubs' birthday today, and it is just throwing down the rain too! Grrrr! Reminded of the Flanders and Swann weather song! 


  • Had a phone call from a fairly happy bunny......she can't have this or next week's Gemc as her platelets and white cells are just a bit too low. Prof has therefore agreed she can go on the 3 week tour to South America (seeing places she has always wanted to!) and he will fit the scan and start of SGN around it! 

    She is really pleased about that and it will also help her finances ready for the donor bone marrow transplant, anything up to a year off, they said, though knowing her it won't be that long! 

    She now has to sort out her 'clashes' and get deps for the other jobs she kept in her diary in case she couldn't go on tour.....

    love and hugs to all


  • When I said 'a fairly happy bunny' I meant that she is concerned that the time away might just allow the wretched disease to come back yet again, and then she might not do so well, bless the lass, she is inclined to worry when they suddenly allow her to do something when they have previously said 'health should now come first, ignore the diary', she begins to ask herself why! 

    We hope soon that she will get time to visit Bletchley Park, she has wanted to for some time. There are a few folk there who have heard her music and want to give her a really good tour! (not that they don't do that for everyone who comes of course!)

    love and hugs to all


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to moomy

    Dear Helen,

    Bless dear Caz, it is understandable that she will worry, but I feel sure her professor would have advised her to stay at home if he had felt the need love. I am keeping everything crossed for her.

    This one is just for you?

    Love to you all


  • A couple of Christmases back we bought Caz a trip on the London Eye and yesterday she enjoyed it, so lucky to have a lovely mild sunny day too, she had wonderful views across London and simply loved the whole experience! 

    love and hugs to all


  • Caz has uploaded a big bunch of photos, of our caravanning club 'get-together' last autumn and also some from her week in London this week, looks as if she has had a lot of fun! Bless the girl! 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to moomy

    Dear Helen - the photos are just what's needed to remember a lovely time.....better than relying on memory alone!!!!  Happy days............

    Love and special ((((Hugs))))) for you all

    Dot xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Dear Helen,

    So many more wonderful memories, and there will be so many more.

    My love to you Caz and T and of course your lovely son.

    My thoughts are and always will be with you all.

    Love Maryxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Helen,

    Hope that  cold is a little or lots better today love. Take good care of yourself my friend.

    Much love along with many warm ((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))) these ones are just for you.
