We all get good as well as bad news, let's just post the news here....

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  • 11 subscribers
All of us on here get both good and bad news, i wanted to start a thread for all types of news, for everyone to post their news.....
  • Oh, dear, damp eyes after that......but it was lovely!


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    A lovely piece.. and so very true!

    Thinking of you Helen and what you and Caz have ahead of you.xxx

  • What is also amazingly wonderful is the way that the true and good friends on here all rally round knowing how and when to help......

    ((((((((((((mega hugs)))))))))))))) to you all from me in thanks and love


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to moomy

    I'll second that lovely ladies, think we all have some very emotional days. Apologies if I made you cry dear Helen, made me cry too love.

    (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))))) you both.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    ...me three Mary......too many soggy tissues in my house!!!!

    Helen - I know I'm not just round the corner to pop by and offer any physical help - but I'll be here ready with comforting (((cyber-hugs))) and tissues whenever you fell the need of them.

    Love and strengthening (((hugs))) for you all

    Dot xxxxxxxxx

  • I'm getting my head round it all now, and the booklet from the Lymphoma Association on Allogeneic transplants arrived today and it has helped both me and hubs understand more, he of course, wasn't there at the appointment but I had told him all I remembered, and he found the book answered a few bits that he had been told but didn't quite understand, like what GvHD is and how they want it to occur but not too much. 

    will tell Caz about it too.......her Transplant Doctor, Adrian Bloor, is one of the Docs listed as a contributor to the book! Well, I suppose that it is a wee bit inevitable since Professor Radford is one of the very important specialists in the field and Dr Bloor is a close colleague.....the book she has been given is a little more generalised than this one, since it applies to Leukaemias as well as Lymphomas. 

    Sang at a celebration of the life of one of the OU choir members this morning, we pre-performed the first movement of the Brahms German Requiem. It is getting near ready for a performance but isn't quite polished yet, so our conductor explained that it is still work in progress when he introduced it. It seemed very fitting, and even more so since we rehearsed it on the day we learnt of Janet's death from secondary cancer spread to her liver. Rest in Peace, Janet xxx


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to moomy

    Dear Helen,

    Glad to hear that you are now getting your head around things, not easy for all love.

    Try to take things a little easier this weekend if you are able to, ooooo there I go again a right old nag, believe me I feel very old tonight! Big Smile

    Love Maryxxxxxx

  • Well, taking it easy on a rotten day like today is fine with me, not planning to even go outside, haha!

    Caz is getting her head round it all but admits to feeling scared about feeling ill for ages......poor lass! So any tips about what to have with her are very welcome, I plan she shall have books and stories on CD to listen and laugh at......any ideas of titles will be welcome! We'll be needing to plan for a few weeks I think! I will read to her too, maybe kids books to grin at, I love reading Winnie the Pooh stories aloud anyway. 

    love and hugs to all


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to moomy

    HI Helen,

    Next time you see your lovely girl, please give her one enormous hug from me, bless her Helen, I feel for you all so much.

    Weather here is the same love, not entering out myself, just busy catching up with house work, it is also very cold, at least we have no snow that is further inland, hope it stays that way.

    How about audio-books for Caz to listen to when you are not around, will get my thinking cap on when the brain cells are better lo!

    Enjoy your relaxing weekend dear friend.

    Love to you both


  • Think I said that but maybe not in those exact words, dear Mary......CD audio books, thinking of sending for the Harry Potter ones, read by Stephen Fry. I think she'd enjoy those.

    love and hugs to you, stay dry, if you can, lol! xxxxxxxxxx
