So, I don't know about anyone else, but I've put on a lot of weight since diagnosis. And actually, when I look back then I was definitely slowing down before diagnosis and weight was slowly increasing, but nowhere near as fast as it has done since treatment began.
My weight gain hasn't been caused by steroids as is often the case with cancer, but instead it is a combination of bone mets reducing mobility, thyroxine making me hyperactive, and PCOS doing it's thing. So right now, I am just a sliver over 21 stone and 5'10". Two and a half weeks ago I was closer to 22 stone, which is where I decided enough was enough and something needed to change. That was also when I discovered that my womb cancer was oestrogen receptor positive, which meant that the excess fat was producing oestrogen and making the womb cancer worse and harder to suppress. That, was the main drive for the weight loss because there was no way I was going to let my cancer get worse if I could help it.
I also figured that there are probably other people out there in similar situations, where their 'new normal' has meant that they have put on a few pounds they don't want. And, as this website is all about support, then why didn't we band together and help each other lose weight?! An online and free weight watchers/Slimmers world/whoever else, where we share tips and tricks, products that we find that are healthy alternatives, and help track weightloss and cheer each other on.
So if you feel like trying to lose some weight with others, then please do jump on in. All shapes and sizes welcome!
Hello Hope - I feel for you. It can get pretty hard at times to motivate oneself with the old movement at the best of times. You are doing well though to go to the MacMillan Move More exercise programme. I am assuming that you have the Move More DVD which you can do at home. Again, easier said than done - I picked one up recently and have yet to watch it through never mind do it! No doubt some of the exercises can be adapted to wheelchair 'use'.
Still, you were asking about motivation for weight loss and there's nothing much anyone can say except you need to be in the right head space and stick with it. Some people find going to a Weight Watchers' or Slimming World class a motivator and also enjoy the company and support they receive there. Still, I'm not imagining that I'm telling you something you don't already know.
I have been a compulsive over-eater for many years and have had many failed attempts to get myself 'in order' over the years. The reason I was 'refused' an immediate autologous breast reconstruction was because of my weight (too long an operation and with a much greater possibility of complications in a very overweight person) and my size may have had something to do with the infection and subsequent failure of my (blow up) implant. The only chance for me to have reconstruction now at some point in the future is to shift this weight and if that's not a motivator, then what is? Still, whatever, it doesn't make the journey any easier. I'm pleased to report though that I am having some success with the weight loss and am definitely fitter than I was - I walk more and have started to do Medau movement and once my skin is healed from the radiotherapy I will get back in the pool.
We need to believe we can do it - 'because we're worth it'. There's nothing much more to it really.
Good luck.
Hi all,
I'm down another pound, I'm still quite motivated and I've banished all chocolate, I'm thinking it's the best way for me, I'm coping ok with it ...... for now!
I'm sorry to hear about your fall Lass, I hope you've not done too much damage? it's great that you are still managing to keep on track despite it.
Well done on getting to taekwondo Ann.
I hope things are going well for you too Ana.
Lots of love
Hi there I feel your pain about the weight issue mine is the other way around tho before Christmas my weight was 15 and a half stone iv been weight training for a long time to get to this weight swimming 3 times a week gym 6 times per week then when I was diagnosed with neck cancer about 8 weeks ago Iv had 30 radiotherapy treatments and 5 chemo in six weeks Iv not eaten real meal for 6 weeks I have lost all muscle mass I have a few friends from the gym who were coming to see me last week and as the time got near I felt so paranoid about the weight I lost I'm now about 11 and a half I look like a drug addict or a prisoner of war I txt my friends and said I was having a bad day and would arrange another meeting but the fact is I could have done with the company I do have a girlfriend she's at work all day so because Iv been put on the sick it can lovely especially now all my treatment has stopped I not aloud the drive my car cuz of the drugs I'm on even going for a drive would make me feel a little bit better I'm sure but I'll have to hope and wait really hope this treatment has helped I wish everyone that is going though what I am all the best and good luck though out your journey kind regards Dean
Hey Lass,
Thank you for posting this on here.
I have been struggling with my weight for a while as I am also a great comfort eater! As my BC was oestrogen receptive 8/8, I definitely need to lose weight, as that tractor tyre around my middle is storing oestrogen. I am on Anastrazole, one of the side effects is weight gain!! Great, but I don't think I can use that as an excuse any more..... so yes please, I would like to join your thread if I may?
Hey there Annie,
That's fabulous news on the weightloss! And the fact you're getting to tae kwon do is amazing too! And in my opinion, if you lose anything it's fabulous, if you maintain your weight, that's still great, and if you increase - well, we all have a slip up here and there. Weightloss is hard, and definitely isn't a 'quick fix', and Ithink we all need to recognise that when we only see a lb going, or nothing at all. It's the perseverence that counts!
Hey AnaE,
I have the Move More DVD..... had it since November I think. It's got nowhere near a DVD player yet. lol. Really should kick myself in the bum to get that looked at and attempted! I shall also google Medau movements to see what they are, as I've not heard of it before. Are you enjoying it? My fingers are crossed for you that you manage to lose the weight needed so you can have your reconstruction too! That will definitely be an achievement - and cause for a fabulous shopping trip!
Hey Arla,
I do the same thing. lol. If it's not in the house, I can't eat it. If it's in the house, I eat it ALL AT ONCE. lol. I'm terrible! Though, I did succumb and buy some crisps the other day as I'd been craving them, and you know what? I wasn't impressed. That satisfaction I used to get as I chomped down a big bag just wasn't there anymore. So hopefully that craving is now quashed! I think the damage in my back is soft tissue. There was no bruise that came up or anything, so I'm probably out of action for a couple of months? Bit miserable really.
Hey Dean,
Welcome to our little weight corner. Sorry to hear you've lost a lot of weight and muscle throughout your treatment, any change - increase or decrease - is not a side effect any of us want! You're more than welcome to stick around and chat with us, moan with us, whatever you need. And I can add you to the front page as trying to increase your weight if you'd like? After all, we're all trying to change our bodies healthily, through diet and exercise - so we can still support one another whatever end result we're trying to achieve!
Hey Lindylou,
Sorry to hear you've got a tyre to shift too.... though at least it's only one! I think I have a good three to shift on me. lol. Why have so many medications got weight gain/loss as a side effect? And why does it seem to be that the folks who want to lose - get the gaining meds and those who want to gain get the losing meds! Some silly twist of fate I suppose. You're of course welcome to join us here. Just let me know what you weigh just now, and what you'd like to get down to and I'll add you to our tracker!
I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.
Great post,Lass!and I agree with it.I have been going to gym for a year and only see a wobble up or down in weight...but all I can say is,at least it isnt going steadily up...
am on a food and drink chart,too,from trainer.This does help me.Although I am very honest and he loves telling me off!!x
Is weight gain a side effect of letrozole?x
Hey Cannon,
I just did a quick Google for side effects of Letrozole, and it seems that yes, weight gain is a side effect of it.
And Lol. At least you're honest about what you're eating. I think it'd be worse if you tried to hide the giant piece of cake you scoffed the other night. lol. And well done on only wobbling on your weight! The gym is obviously working for you.
I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.
Hi Lass thanks for the reply I really the first time Iv used a chat forums before but least now I feel I'm not alone. I spoke to a friend today who iv been advoiding. Because he wants to meet up I explained what I was going though mental and he said dean your ill we all understand you are gonna look different and don't distance myself and that has made me feel a lot better. When I had radiotherapy and chemotherapy they said there was a chance of hair loss there was a bit. Right at the back really I normally were a baseball cap any way but cuz iv been mopping around for the last two months it's gone right out of control and here is another issue I got. If I go to my hair dresser they will say what the hell has happened to you cuz of my size and also my hair I don't really want everyone know I have cancer I don't want people to feel sorry for me l thought about lieing say Iv been I a coma for 2 months but I don't want to lie ethier so I guess I'll have to grow some and tell them thanks for listening all the best
Kind regards dean
Hi Dean,
Lots of hair dressers do house calls, you could book someone new to come to you, or go to an out of town barbers, that way you can be anonymous and dont need to chit chat while you are in there or answer awkward questions. I kind of understand what you are saying, I've not been for a hair cut since June last year, before my op, I keep going for a fringe trim (which only takes a minute) so that I don't have to make small talk. Ill need to go soon, before I'm sitting on my hair, but I'm working up to it. It's weird the things that a cancer diagnosis does to you, it's knocked all of my confidence.
I have been a bit opposite to you, I only want to speak to people I'm close to / know well and get really anxious with everyone else, but it does get easier with time and people are generally lovely and give me time to say what I'm trying to say.
I've also been to counselling, arranged through my CNS and it's helping to build my confidence back up.
Hey Dean,
You're definitely not alone, I can promise you that.
I'm really pleased to hear that you spoke to a friend today too. That's wonderful news and must have been really good for you mentally, like a weight has been lifted. I'm glad as well that he seems to have said exactly the right thing too. Because he's absolutely right - though of course, being told what we should do and actually managing to do it are very different things!
And Arla has said exactly what I was going to - go to a different hair dresser who has never seen you before so has no idea that you're 'different', or get one to come to the house if you don't feel up to walking down the street yet. But I'd def say not to lie. You don't need to tell them that you have cancer, just tell them you've not been well if anyone asks, then make a clear conversation change sothey know not to ask anything else about it.
Remember, you've been through a LOT already. So now is the time to be a little bit selfish. So if you don't want to talk about something, don't. If you don't want to see someone - but I mean really don't want to see them, not just that you feel insecure about this temporary new you - then don't. But one thing to try and remember, and to try and look at positively, you've been through all of what you have so you can keep on living.
So, keep on living.
Find those things you enjoy and can do still, and hopefully, the more you do them, the more your mental mood will improve. And the more your mental self improves, the more your physical self will too. I've been in some pretty dark places in my life for various reasons, but I - like you - am a fighter and I got through. So find those smiles wherever they are hiding, and grab hold of them. Sometimes, it's all we can do.
I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.
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