Weightloss Support

  • 130 replies
  • 22 subscribers

So, I don't know about anyone else, but I've put on a lot of weight since diagnosis. And actually, when I look back then I was definitely slowing down before diagnosis and weight was slowly increasing, but nowhere near as fast as it has done since treatment began.

My weight gain hasn't been caused by steroids as is often the case with cancer, but instead it is a combination of bone mets reducing mobility, thyroxine making me hyperactive, and PCOS doing it's thing. So right now, I am just a sliver over 21 stone and 5'10". Two and a half weeks ago I was closer to 22 stone, which is where I decided enough was enough and something needed to change. That was also when I discovered that my womb cancer was oestrogen receptor positive, which meant that the excess fat was producing oestrogen and making the womb cancer worse and harder to suppress. That, was the main drive for the weight loss because there was no way I was going to let my cancer get worse if I could help it.

I also figured that there are probably other people out there in similar situations, where their 'new normal' has meant that they have put on a few pounds they don't want. And, as this website is all about support, then why didn't we band together and help each other lose weight?! An online and free weight watchers/Slimmers world/whoever else, where we share tips and tricks, products that we find that are healthy alternatives, and help track weightloss and cheer each other on.

So if you feel like trying to lose some weight with others, then please do jump on in. All shapes and sizes welcome!



  • Getting there Ann!!

    Have you seen the wonky veg boxes from Morrisons? £3 for a box, and you get MASSES in it! Well worth it, as you get much more than you would for £3 buying off the shelves. And Ialways feel better about buying the wonky stuff on a social responsibility level. lol

    So, anyone fancy a weigh in day? I've just done mine and updated the front page. No pressure, only if you want to. :)



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • A year ago I had one of the routine over 75 check-ups at my GP surgery and discovered that my blood pressure had got high. enough to be a cause for concern.  My BMI was fine as I had lost quite a bit of weight in the last couple of years with worries over my sisters death and my own diagnosis and treatment but the doctor felt that rather than put me on permanent medication It might be better to try and lose some weight and see if that would bring down the BP and cholesterol.

    So I took a long hard look at what I ate.  Realised that I was much too fond of strong cheddar!  I have switched from a bread and butter breakfast to whole grain cereal and have discovered 1% milk.- so much tastier than skimmed milk but tastes like semi-skimmed.  I used to have lots of standard Greek yogurt because I thought the low fat type was too watery but now I have found Skyr which is very low fat but really nice and thick.   I had to convince my family that I was putting less food on my plate and refusing another glass of wine because I was trying to lose weight not because I was feeling ill !  I am eating more fish than red meat.and compensate for nice meals out or treats by eating less the next day.

    It's been slow but.six months later I am half a stone lighter and my BP is down to 120/75 but I have realised that this new way of eating has to be for keeps.  I weigh myself every day as I can't face letting the weight go back on again - anyway I have taken most of  my old clothes to the Hospice shop and bought new smaller ones and I can't afford to replace them again!



    (Class of 2015!)

  • Weighed in today 74.3kg, 11st 12lb.

    Kitchen is now finished, just need to unpack all the boxes to fill it up again!

  • Having lost just over 1st, I was really pleased that at my routine mamagram this morning, the radiographer didn't need to use the largest plate as last time but the next size down! 

    I used to walk around like everything was fine, but deep down, inside my shoe, my sock was sliding off.

    Now I walk around and everything is  fine.....one day I am going to by new socks with strong elastic......but in the meantime I am learning to stop and and pull my sock up! 

  • Hi gogglemuma,

    I always love it when you can see weight loss, I used to like feeling smaller in a chair or fitting into old clothes. Well done on the stone and I hope everything goes well with the mammogram.

    Hi Anniekz,

    I hope that your kitchen is all finished now, what a great feeling looking around a newly decorated room, it's one of my favourite things to do (I know most people will think that's weird lol).

    Hi Lass,

    I think my past loss was a fluke of the scales lol, I've jumped back up, but been on it this week so hopefully will be back down soon, I tried the skyr with frozen berries and oats for breakfast yesterday but thought it would taste better with something sweet in it so I'll need to buy some honey. 

    Lots of love 


  • Well Lass & the rest of you ladies,

    After my false start, I've finally got the weight loss head on and I'm getting somewhere, I've tried the skyr suggestion and I love it, lemon skyr tastes like lemon posset - yum! I've also been tucking into low fat jelly, fresh fruit and tinned fruit. What's working while I'm getting into the swing again is not letting myself get hungry, so I'm eating plenty of healthy food and often.

    thats me 5lbs down from my starting point, I can't wait to get the next lot off now.

    Lots of love and hoping you are all well.


  • That's awesome, all of you!

    Unfortunately I've paused at the moment. The weightloss threw my thyroxine levels into the hyper realm, so I started getting really bad heart palpitations. This also caused me to fall down the stairs and hurt my back.  Luckily, I had a fair idea as to why the palpitations had started, so got a blood test that told the docs I was right. So dose reduced, I should feel better again in a couple of weeks so I'll be able to start exercising again.

    In the meantime, luckily, the weight hasn't gone back on again and I'm maintaining the level I am now at, so that's awesome! One of the things I had worried about was that if anything happened, all the weight would pile back on again. But fingers crossed that once it's gone, it's gone for good!

    How is everyone else getting on?



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lass

    Good morning all

    I'm up at 3am, result of sleeping a lot earlier when I was ill. I've just stumbled upon this thread, oh you lucky slim lot! About 4 months after receiving a diagnosis of an incurable rare type of bone marrow cancer, my back began to get so painful that I couldn't function properly. So I eventually succumbed to the doctors' wishes and stopped work to give my body a chance to fight the diseases. A short time later I had to become a wheelchair user, it was the only way to stop downward pressure to relieve the unbearable pain. 

    Problem was, I had been a milkman for some 36 years therefore I was really active which kept my weight at around 11 and a half stone. What's that, about 80 kg? I also had a heart attack and heart surgery  6'years ago so I was quite good with my diet following that. 

    Now, after 2 and a half years in the wheelchair, I've put on an unbelievable 4 stones. I'm just not as active any more. Although I put a few stints in on an exercise bike and I go to .my local MacMillan Move More exercise class, I have let my diet slip. I've taken the attitude of "It doesn't matter any more what I eat", to a certain extent. I am of course concerned about my heart as I was told there are still areas of heart disease by my cardiologist. 

    So, anyone any ideas? How do I stick to a weightloss regime? I am drinking a bit too much also. I can dream after a few glasses of wine. I'd love to be at least 3 stones lighter. Where do you get your willpower?

    I'm open to suggestions please. Take care all.

  • Hey there Hope,

    Welcome to the weightloss thread, though if my maths are correct - you're still a lot slimmer than I am! lol So whoo hoo for that!

    I'm lucky in that I don't have to use a wheelchair, however I do have mets in my spine that make standing and walking really quite painful. So there's a lot of sitting down for me too at the moment. The mets and therefore my thyroid cancer are classed as incurable - which is why you have seen me in that group - but the womb cancer I have as well is at a really early stage. So for me, the willpower to try and move more and fight through the pain comes from two things. Firstly, my womb cancer is oestrogen receptor positive, and we're currently simply suppressing it rather than curing it. Fat produces oestrogen, which is stimulating the cancer, making it harder to suppress. So less fat is less oeastrogen, more chance of keeping the womb cancer back. Secondly, the extra weight on me will be giving me more pain in my spine. When I try and stand and walk, there's a lot more of me that my spine needs to support than should be. So if I can lose some weight, then maybe the pain will get better and I'll be able to do more of what I want again.

    I too took the attitude of 'who cares what I eat, I've got bigger problems', and so was eating for comfort and also for convenience. Because I couldn't stand for long, and because I'm too tall for my benches, standing to cook was really painful. So micro meals and things that were instant and grabbable were my mainstay. And slowly but surely, the weight crept up and up.

    In regards to how to stick to losing weight, I am a firm believer that you will never quit/stick to anything unless you really want to. You've got to have made that decision for yourself, that this is something you really and truly want to do, otherwise you'll stick at it for a few weeks or months, and then slowly revert back to old habits.

    As Isaid in my post above - I think - I'venot been able to keep up with the exercise part of my change in lifestyle as the pain isn't allowing it, but I have kept up with tracking what I'm eating and making changes accordingly. And my weight has not increased further, in fact I might be a lb or two further down. There's also absolutely nothing wrong with a treat here or there - like a piece of cake, takeaway, or glass of something nice. But I make sure and track it all, and know that I can change what else I've eaten to make sure there are calories left for treats. Or if I've splurged on a takeway one night, the next day I do my best to eat REALLY healthy stuff to off set. I've no idea if it's right or wrong, but it seems to be working for me for now, and that's what counts!

    If you'd like to share your starting weight, I'll add it to the front page and you can track with us?



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • Hello everyone

    I'm not doing all that well with tracking what I eat, it's a bit hit and miss . I had a hard day at work on Thursday so was worn out after that.

    Any way last week I managed to lose half a kilo, this week just 0.2kg but now (just) under 75kg.  About 11st 11lb.  But I did get to a Tae Kwon Do lesson last night, an achievement for me.
