Weightloss Support

  • 130 replies
  • 22 subscribers

So, I don't know about anyone else, but I've put on a lot of weight since diagnosis. And actually, when I look back then I was definitely slowing down before diagnosis and weight was slowly increasing, but nowhere near as fast as it has done since treatment began.

My weight gain hasn't been caused by steroids as is often the case with cancer, but instead it is a combination of bone mets reducing mobility, thyroxine making me hyperactive, and PCOS doing it's thing. So right now, I am just a sliver over 21 stone and 5'10". Two and a half weeks ago I was closer to 22 stone, which is where I decided enough was enough and something needed to change. That was also when I discovered that my womb cancer was oestrogen receptor positive, which meant that the excess fat was producing oestrogen and making the womb cancer worse and harder to suppress. That, was the main drive for the weight loss because there was no way I was going to let my cancer get worse if I could help it.

I also figured that there are probably other people out there in similar situations, where their 'new normal' has meant that they have put on a few pounds they don't want. And, as this website is all about support, then why didn't we band together and help each other lose weight?! An online and free weight watchers/Slimmers world/whoever else, where we share tips and tricks, products that we find that are healthy alternatives, and help track weightloss and cheer each other on.

So if you feel like trying to lose some weight with others, then please do jump on in. All shapes and sizes welcome!



  • Weight tracking:

    Lass - Target weight of 12 stone

    • 25/1/18 @ 22 stone 8lbs
    • 03/2/18 @ 22 stone 1lb
    • 18/2/18 @ 20 stone 9lbs
    • 9/3/18 @ 20 stone 6lbs
    • 28/4/18 @ 20 stone 3lbs

    Ann - Target weight of 10.5 stone

    • 14/1/18 @ 11 stone 12lbs
    • 13/3/18 @ 11 stone 11lbs

    Arla - Target weight of 16 stone

    • 29/1/18 @ 23 stone 6lbs
    • 14/2/18 @ 23 stone 2lbs
    • 5/3/18 @ 23 stone 1lb

    Julie - Target weight of 165 lbs (11.8 stone)

    • 14/2/18 @ 195 lbs (13.9 stone)

    Artequine - Target weight of 165 lbs (11.8 stone)

    • 15/2/18 @ 195lbs (13.9 stone)

    Hope58 - Target weight of 12 stone

    • 22/3/18 @ 15st 10 lbs

    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • Hi Lass,

    Well done on hitting the half stone mark! What did you do or should I say eat?

    I have piled on two stone since my hysterectomy in August and I was far from thin before that, I'm also trying to banish oestrogen as it's bad for me.

    I've been on every diet known to man over the years and found that what makes the most difference is me getting the diet head on and healthy eating rather than dieting although if i had actually followed that advice I'd be a svelte size 10 by now!


  • Hey hey!

    And thank you!

    I'm a massive comfort eater, but at the same time had very little appetite for a long time. So my body had gone into starvation mode and everything I was eating was being turned into fat and 'stored' away. (Thanks body!)

    I've also tried every diet under the sun and found the only thing that worked for me was exercise. Which is currently almost impossible with my pain.

    I started using the fitness app on my phone to track what I was eating, and discovered that even though I was consistently WAY below my calorie allowance, the stuff I was eating had a high fat content. So I started paying attention to calories and fat, switched some things around, and it seems to be working.

    Crisps are banned in my house - as that is a MASSIVE go to snack for me, and I'll happily munch through an entire sharing bag on my own if they're in the house.

    I have skyr and low fat yoghurt - onken and yeo valley specifically - and one big pot which is 450 ish grams does me for a meal, which works out as around 400 calories.

    Then the other meal varies from pies to salad to pasta. But keeping in mind the fat content of everything and trying to balance it to under 20% fat per meal. The app helps with that massively!

    Then when I get peckish, I have fruit in the fridge. So a couple of tangerines and I'm good.

    I also have a step counter now. And try to make sure and do 1000 steps a day, and climb the stairs 5 times. The stairs are easy, because the loo is up there. Lol. The steps, less so as sitting in the recliner means less pain. But I'm on 978 for today, so fingers crossed I can manage a few more.

    I have a friend who laughs at my 1,000, because she regularly does 15,000. Which is why I've turned here for support, because she doesn't get how 1,000 steps is difficult!

    Do you want to share your weight Arla? I can add it to the list above and track it so you can see how you're doing when you start.



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • Hi

    Totally agree about My Fitness Pal app.  I struggle to get below the 1200 calories.  Worse at the moment because I'm having my kitchen done so microwave meals and/or eating our.  And my scales have thrown a wobbly so need to sort these out.

    Fortunately I've finished treatment apart from daily tamoxifen and I'm trying to get back to my previous exercise level. My step target is 10000 but if I get to 5000 I feel I've done well!

    Probably 12 + stone currently, want to get to 10.5 at least.


  • Hey Ann,

    Do you want me to add your weight to the tracker I've set up above?

    My calories are set at 2300 by the app, based on current weight and exercise level, though I seem to be hitting between 1000 and 1500 most of the time. So the app tells me off! lol

    Sorry to hear you can't use your kitchen, but at the same time, YAY new kitchen! I've found that a big pot of yoghurt does me for a lunch, usually with some fruit too. That comes in at about/under 500 calories depending on which one I have. I'm sticking with Yeo Valley, Skyr, and Onken as they taste really nice and are low in calories and fat, but have protein too.

    Also, YAY for treatment being done! 5,000 steps is awesome as a start!

    I'm on a Samsung phone, so use the Samsung Health app which has a few fitness routines programmed into it. I've managed to find one that I can do, as they have them for all different levels. Though there are a couple of the exercises that I've adapted because I just couldn't do them as suggested. Does your app have the same thing that might help you out too?



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • Hi Lass

    Yes about adding me to the tracker.  

    Kitchen is getting there, appliances are in but not yet wired/plumbed in.  

    Before diagnosis I was doing Tae Kwon Do 2-3 times a week.  I've carried on going once a week as able, mainly for the social aspect though.  I've been doing this for years and have good friends there.  Told them about my diagnosis early on and they've been very supportive.

    I should get back to eating yoghurt.  I got a bit twitchy about this during chemo as had to be careful about the 'live' ones.


  • Heya,

    Glad it's coming along nicely, and that's awesome about Tae Kwon Do!

    I'm afraid I have no experience of chemo myself. What's the problem with live yoghurt and it, if you don't mind me asking?



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • Hi Lass,

    I'll need to download a tracker app, does it count your steps through your phone or do you have a wristband? Is that a daft question? My tech skills have reduced as I age lol.

    I was trying to avoid posting it but since you have been brave and blazed the trail I will be too. 

    So at my heaviest about 2 weeks ago on 29/1/18 I was 23 st 6lbs, I weighed myself this morning and I'm 23st 2lbs, I'm tall like you, I think about 5' 9/10.

    Where did you get your target? I think I'll target 16 st as it seems closer and at that I'm a comfy size 16. 


  • Lass

    I think it was the infection risk due to chemo-induced impaired immune system.  The dietary advice was much the same as in pregnancy.  Last chemo was in December so no probs with what I can eat now (apart from needing to cut down!)


  • Hi Ann,

    Tae Kwon Do sounds like good exercise, it's great that you can still go along even when you don't feel up to joining in, they must be a lovely group.
