Weightloss Support

  • 130 replies
  • 22 subscribers

So, I don't know about anyone else, but I've put on a lot of weight since diagnosis. And actually, when I look back then I was definitely slowing down before diagnosis and weight was slowly increasing, but nowhere near as fast as it has done since treatment began.

My weight gain hasn't been caused by steroids as is often the case with cancer, but instead it is a combination of bone mets reducing mobility, thyroxine making me hyperactive, and PCOS doing it's thing. So right now, I am just a sliver over 21 stone and 5'10". Two and a half weeks ago I was closer to 22 stone, which is where I decided enough was enough and something needed to change. That was also when I discovered that my womb cancer was oestrogen receptor positive, which meant that the excess fat was producing oestrogen and making the womb cancer worse and harder to suppress. That, was the main drive for the weight loss because there was no way I was going to let my cancer get worse if I could help it.

I also figured that there are probably other people out there in similar situations, where their 'new normal' has meant that they have put on a few pounds they don't want. And, as this website is all about support, then why didn't we band together and help each other lose weight?! An online and free weight watchers/Slimmers world/whoever else, where we share tips and tricks, products that we find that are healthy alternatives, and help track weightloss and cheer each other on.

So if you feel like trying to lose some weight with others, then please do jump on in. All shapes and sizes welcome!



  • This is a really good idea . Would it be ok to send people here if they are struggling and want help?

    I have about a stone to lose, which will hopefully be a bit easier now I'm off most of the meds. I was 1st under weight at dx, and 1.5st over by the end of active treatment.

    Currently averaging about 8-9000 steps (3.5-4 miles) and 25 floors a day, just doing my job.

    Like you, I have an appetite problem, and have suspected for some time that my body is just grabbing and holding everything it gets.

    What works for me, usually (when I can be bothered), is Yeo Valley low fat yoghurt, with granola and blitzed fruit like raspberries etc. And Manuka honey added.

    Lunch would be fruit smoothies. I like orange, mango and banana. I add wheatgerm and honey. Main meal about 7pm so not too late. Usually protein and a baked potato. Plus salad, again if I can be bothered. Himself usually makes sure I eat something.

    What is important, for all of us, is that we are comfortable in our own skins. I don't tend to use a scale. But more about how my clothes fit. And I'm currently a size up from normal.



  • Hey Karen,

    Absolutely! This is for anyone and everyone who is trying to lose some weight. We've had some really good tips from people with how they do things and what works for them, and you've added some more yourself too. So hopefully there will be something here to suit everyone with whatever they're currently going through. I've also managed to get my hands on one of the MacMillan recipe books too, so will be having a nose through that to see if anything appeals.

    I just had a Yeo Valley for lunch - the lemon curd one. It was awesome! Tea tonight has been a Skyr with honey and strawberries. I don't know if you've tried Skyr before, but it's MUCH lower fat than any other yoghurt I've found, and higher protein. I think in a couple of hours I'll have something else too, probably some tangerines and/or grapes.

    And yes, you're totally right. You've got to feel good in what you're doing and where you're aiming. I've mentioned elsewhere in the thread that while the docs want me to lose 9 stone to get me to my BMI weight, but I think that will look weird. So if I can get to a size 14/16 from the current 24/26 I am, then I will be happy! :D

    I have every faith that that stone you have to lose, will soon fly off! We're all here to help with that!



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lass

    Would like to lose 30 pound and reach 165lbs.

  • Hi everyone,

    That was a lot of posts to catch up on! I've taken some fab advice, I'll definitely need to think more about hidden sugar in low fat foods and my breakfast cereal is probably a no go with sugar too (coco pops lol). 

    I've been told to have plenty calcium to help my bones now I've no ovaries so think I'll need to stick to cows milk.

    I'll try the yogurt combinations too.

    Those of you who have already lost weight, well done, even the small losses add up to big changes.

    The poster who mentioned relying on chocolate as an energy boost, I think that's what I'm doing through the day, I snack when I'm tired mid morning and mid afternoon.

    I'll try and remember all of the names for next time, but until then good luck everyone, here's to a slim, but fun, weekend.


  • Hello ladies, Quite interesting to post ideas etc for slimming,so I have read all through them. I belong to NHS diet online free & like many slimming clubs you weigh in each week on the same day. There is always a lot of chatter on the site as you can imagine & lots of tips to. It is a 12 week diet which you can look at for free online. I have lost 8 lbs since the new year & I would like to lose another 8lbs at least if not more. I do try to eat healthily with lots of fruit & veg. & I buy Fage yogurt 0% which is a greek yogurt/ & I add my own fresh fruit or maybe grate a little bit of chocolate over the top.I normally by the big tub & eat 100gms. I used to be an avid biscuit eater but have now got down to 1-2 biscuits per day & I always look at the Kcals before buying. I do count the calories I have each day,but realise if you work this is not as easy, but it is working for me.

    I hope you all have success in whatever route you take.



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Georgette

    Hi All

    I have only just found this group and thought I would share.  I had my operation for womb cancer in October 2015 and because of my weight I could not have keyhole and was high dependency post op.  However, I was fortunate as was stage 1a grade 1 so no further treatment required.  Overweight is associated with womb cancer so you would have thought I would get straight on to losing weight but oh no waited until Jan 2017.  By this time I had already gained a load more (stupid or what?).  Anyway I joined Slimming World (I think in my 61 years I have belonged to every slimming group at some point).  BUT I was determined this time and so far I have lost just a tad under 8 stone (Its great but still long long way to go).  I find their eating plan is really good for me there is a minimal amount of weighing of food, within certain parameters   you can eat anything and still drink alcohol.  It is not a diet in that it will never reach an end it is a whole new way of healthy eating.  I have basically cut out all high fat and high sugar foods, I don't have takeaways  (but I do still eat out once or twice a week) I rarely eat processed foods and I have drastically cut my alcohol consumption.  Will it stop the cancer coming back - who knows?  But I do feel more in control as if I can get to my goal weight (and I believe I can) I will have given myself the best chance I can at least it won't be my own stupid fault.  Good luck with all your efforts xx

  • Hi Pippa,

    8 stone is amazing, well done! Keeping to plan for over a year is a big achievement too.

    I related so much to your post, I have put on 2 stone since my hysterectomy in August. I like slimming world, it doesn't feel like a diet. 


  • Hi Georgette, 

    The NHS diet sounds good, especially as it's free, a lot of the slimming clubs still charge for online membership. I found a Facebook group where I get hints and tips and recipes and that helped too, the members also post before and after pics and it's really inspirational seeing the changes in people who have stuck to the plan.

    Well done on loosing the 8 pounds, halfway there!


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Arla

    At first I thought that 8 stone in (just over) a year sounded way too much too quickly but in fact is about 2lbs per week which falls within the recommended amount. I have been trying to lose weight slowly and, to some extent, have upped my exercise as I am hoping to minimise the surplus skin which can result from weight loss. It of course makes sense that you are more likely to be left with a lot of loose skin if you lose the weight too quickly thus not giving the skin time to recover, also it depends on your age and the length of time and extent to which the skin has been stretched. I am interested to know how the 'big losers' out there have fared. Anybody?

  • So got my scales working this morning (so now sync with my phone etc) and 75.7kg, which is 11st 12lb.

    But kitchen is almost finished, just needs the plumbing to be done so can get back to home cooking and making lunch to take to work.  It will also mean I can resume organic box deliveries (fruit and veg) so improve my diet a bit.  And I can do a 'proper' shop - the Skyr yoghurt sounds good
